how many curses are in once upon a time

She talked like it already existed. It was probably a little of both.

Propaganda spread under orders from the Pan Man himself by Wendy's brothers, considering he has kept them around for YEARS, to set the ground work for getting the child he is looking for. And how did the footsteps in the snow even get made? B) Rumple didn't know Bae spent time in Neverland. Personally I'm hoping Emma tells Belle about Gold's new Dark One status regardless of how things turn out but I predect she'll probably be magiced down to hell and find out that way before the season is out. It's not clear if Frankenstein knew about it before Rumple told him, but that's irrelevant. Well that's why Emma immediately realises she's being framed as soon as she finds the knife. Hook blackmailed Rumple by threatening to tell Belle about the fake dagger unless he did something he wanted, like reattaching his hand. A lot of other people had it much worse (Mad Hatter and Belle come to mind). Also, being that the town itself is basically powered by magic, the town can do whatever it darn well pleases as needed to fit in with the regular world while jailing everyone. That activated the magic inside of Emma and freed Graham from the curse. She may not have been able to come up with Storybrooke personas for them.

As of Season 6, it's not hard to believe a woman who. Having gone outside without the hood, she transformed, had a midnight snack, then returned at dawn. We have: The kingdom of King Arthur (Presumably Camelot). Not just your ordinary movie-star level of fame, and okay, Aurora's been asleep for most of that time (although you'd think as fellow princesses they might have interacted before their respective sleeping curses; Maleficent and Regina hung out together, after all) but literally everybody who's left in that world knows her story. I remember she told Henry fairies needed wands to perform magic. She was going out of her way to appear frail, gentle, a victimand Emma's a decent person who was following a perfectly logical course of action. And obviously having spent some time under the thumb of whoever had the dagger would have motivated him to want to separate himself from that. We know it would have failed, but that still doesn't explain why they didn't try it. It's pretty clear now that the taser and the wristband were just magic dressed up to look like technology by Peter Pan. It's not like they don't have the time; they're in the Underworld for weeks and have to sleep anyway. Answered in "The Evil Queen".

But the specifics of what it would do - creating Storybrooke, false identities and memories. Her very presence in the town caused a surge of power through the power line behind her. I rather assumed (based on nothing, in retrospect) that Regina's plan was to, when Henry came asking, to give him "the talk" That is to say "magic is real, and all of these people either wronged me (and therefore, us) or are unimportant. The fact that something is way off about existence in Storybrooke is obvious. She's not a child that was abandoned, she's the woman that he loves and adores. Snow's a celebrity in the Enchanted Forest. In one episode we watched this woman kill two guards in cold blood for refusing to let her cross a bridge. So why does this happen? In "Witch Hunt," Grumpy wanted to know whether they were dealing with the Wicked Witch of the East or the Wicked Witch of the West. Possibility 2: Everyone, in universe and out of universe, has kind of just gotten used to the ideaNot really righteous but if you're exposed to something enough it's bound to normalize you to it. CPR no longer prioritizes mouth-to-mouth due to the fact its not exactly reliable or even hygienic, and chest compressions are prioritized instead; this has been relatively common knowledge aong anyone with any understanding of CPR in the modern world since at least 2009, four years before Season 3 took place. Contrast the Evil Queen who is unable to do so. He tortured Regina- which as much as she deserved it for her actions, is still a decidedly villainous thing for anyone to do- and. As far as why Regina did it well, she doesn't think she has any friends and is paranoid as all get out. Sure, a small band of dedicated warriors can get through, but a mass exodus would likely risk too many lives. Why do Ingrid and Anna refer to the looking glass legend as Norse? There is enough wiggle room to say Elsa, Anna, and their parents discovered Elsa's powers not too long before the accident with Anna. It doesn't appear to make you evil.

First of all, it's Prince Henry who married Cora. Remember that "True Love is the most powerful magic of all", as is said multiple times by several characters. The parents had no way to know that Elsa was "pure of heart." He was also born in the late 1800s or the early 1900s, and he lived in a magical land so he couldnt have had a photo of her.

By not drinking the water, she gave Snow White the opportunity to heal herself when the latter drank it (mixed with regular water or whatever was in that cup).

Even when they tossed some magic trinkets in there, it still wouldn't work for very long. Perhaps, but given low crime rates and especially considering few would want to piss off Mr. Gold by doing anything on his land (ie the town), there may not have been enough work to actually justify more. And yet another alternative would have been to give Regina Cora's heart and the same speech without having cursed it first, in the hope that Cora could actually change, which would have been in-character for Snow up to this point. That it could put newer things into confusion. Even if they recognize an individual act as evil, they'd still probably fall into an "ends-justify-the-means" mindset, or something similar. And the candle isn't actually a 'cure' in the strictest sense. He knew about Maleficent and Lilith, he should have known turning Emma was, by definition, impossible. In Storybrooke her magic seems limited. He knew the curse was the way he would succeed and not any other way. Aurora was under the Sleeping Curse. After all how can she kill him without suspicion falling on her? Gold knows better than to take that kind of risk, so he decided that flying would be safer. Thinking the stories in a book are real is one thing; how do you write off no one aging as the product of an overactive imagination? If the mere possibility of being evil means you can't get an answer from the tree, then presumably doing an actual evil deed disqualifies you too. Regina wasn't thinking when she adopted. So why in. If we assume the same is true of Agrabah and China, it may be that they currently aren't suitable for human population. It is possible that like the quill needs to be made from enchanted trees that the source of magic ink is from something equally magically and thus not easy to come back, especially in Storybrooke. What the viewer gleans from a character and how the writers present a character are not always the same thing. For all of his knowledge of magic, the one thing Gold doesn't know is how it would react with the non-magical outside world.

Did James just spend all of Anton's family's valuables on hookers and blow without ever telling dear old Dad? Just one problem with that: How can she be his True Love when lacking a heart should make him incapable of love? If Rumpel could make the Curse take him through time, then he probably could have pinpointed the moment at which Baelfire first arrived and made the Curse take him there, rather than have to meet his son 300 years later (according to Robert Carlyle in a Paleyfest panel, in which he is asked about the episode "Manhattan"). Given what happened later on, they could have used a lake full of magic water.

It's possible that Eva had some trouble conceiving especially considering that that was always the case in the original tale. However, how he goes from 'maybe there's magic involved' to 'Snow White is my grandmother' I really don't know. However, they could have easily just been killed by Regina and Smee was the only survivor, because he ran away. ", Episode 1: "She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her", I'm hoping that this isn't a plot hole and that the writers will reveal that Snow White thought there was a different reason for Regina's hate. Even if Snow or Hook wanted to learn magic it could take them years to learn enough to use it even half as well as Regina. As for Belle.well, maybe it slipped her mind. Rather, the dark curse/the wardrobe not only transported them through worlds but through time as well. What's with the missing half a decade in the Evil Queen's backstory? The only exception would be things designed to be evil or really powerful bits of magic that are vague like genie wishes.

But then when they had a child of their own, they sent her back. No one mentioned any animals in Neverland so i doubt he was eaten.

I need to make allies, not enemies.". After 30 years of being frozen as ice-statues, Arendelle and everyone in it thaws around the time Ingrid casts the Spell of Shattered Sight on Storybrooke. And who is supposed to be the in-universe audience for the stories generated in these realms? What happened to her evil knights? In fact IMO the ending to The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is one of the best written, directed and acted scenes in the series. Judging from how the season is playing out we are supposed to sympathize with Hook, because his reform stuck and now Gold/Rumple is tormenting him for fun. However in terms of battles, we haven't seen many magical duels between two equally powerful sorcerers. Having said that, he only figured out about the. It's hard to say since the series itself hasn't addressed how people in World Without Magic/Real World wrote stories based on different worlds. Also, Henry may be single-mindedly focusing on her "evil queen" status so he doesn't have to deal with the basic, painful question of an emotionally abused child: "If she loves me, why would she treat me like this?". To top it all off in he is casually killed in the first episode of season 3 and when told about it, we get a shot of Regina (in the middle of a heel/face turn) smiling, happy to hear how gruesome his death was. She wanted to punish everyone she felt any resentment towards, including having the curse rip certain people such as Jefferson and Frankenstein out of their own worlds, so why leave Tinkerbell off the list. And while Good Magic exists, it also seems to be viewed negatively by a lot of people.

It seems pretty scarce in Storybrooke so maybe Blue just doesn't want to waste a precious resource unless absolutely necessary. The show seems to imply that Rumple is something of an oddity when it comes to Dark Ones. There's nothing to suggest that such black spots are permanent. So Regina created the curse but Rumpelstiltskin convinced her to use it. It could be that magic in Storybrooke is weaker than magic in their original world. In order to transport from the Enchanted Forest to Maine it seems logical there had to already be some magic in both lands to create an access way from one land to the other. It seems like he would have to have figured it out only after learning that his mother's name was Emma like the baby in othe book, but it's possible he had a strange intuition. Considering the entire last season's frame up job was completely sloppy on her end of things(trusting Gold in the first place, practically telling MM that she's responsible)I would say that Regina gives herself far too much credit. Another possibility is that the Sultan's wife remarried(she was never mentioned) and that's Jasmine father.

Nothing like halting an entire. I don't think there's any reference to Regina being a princess (and I do remember being surprised to see Henry was a prince in The Miller's Daughter) so maybe Henry's Kingdom was conquered by Leopold's (since he is simply refereed to as the King by Corra implying he is the King of this land instead of the neighboring King). Snow had her mother die at a young age and then her father murdered leading to her being an outlaw, all the while being told it was her fault. In Regina's case she took Belle's heart without permission (kept it from the other characters), yet when they find out no one calls Regina out. In the earlier seasons Gold was also on his pathway to redemption while in current seasons he's walking the path of anti-redemption so I guess there's an element of it's okay because he's trying to be a bad guy when before it was wrong because he's trying to be a good guy. colonialism adviser violence qur parents muslim brotherhood nada mosque munich nazis supremacism islamic minded youssef supremacist charity way why killian victorian england down wikia rabbit hole

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