external cause codes quizlet

h. Unknown or Undetermined Intent Guideline. fall which results in striking against an object), should correspond to the sequence of events regardless of which caused the most serious injury, the external cause and intent are included in a code from another chapter, ~identify the location of the pt. A splint was placed on the ankle. He was a postal service employee who was walking down the sidewalk. The combination external cause code used should correspond to the sequence of events regardless of which caused the most serious injury. $$ Now our children can spend even less time studying and we can spend more time in blank-space stares at the idiot box. Patient works as a delivery driver. a) In a family of three children, determine the probability that there are exactly two boys. There were 13 European teams, and of the countries represented there, 28 had flags with colours other than red or white. b) John is one of three children. If only one external code can be recorded, assign the code most related to the principal diagnosis. for conditions occurring subsequent to the terrorist event. He struck the side of the pool with his leg, c. W16.032A, Accident, diving, striking wall of pool, initial encounter. Lous class is selling T-shirts for a fundraiser. cause codes, storms, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, volcanic eruptions, & earth surface movements and eruptions, Activity, Status and PofOccurrence codes are assigned following, The first-listed external cause code should correspond to, the cause of the most serious dx due to an assault, accident or self-harm, following the hierarchy above, Child & Adult Abuse Guideline for External Cause Codes, ~ Adult/Child abuse, neglect & maltreatment are classified as ASSAULT, ~ If the intent (accident, self-harm, assault) is unknown or unspecified, code the intent as accidental intent, Sequela (Late Effects) of External Cause Guidelines, ~When the condition code is sequela, the asso. a. Which code is assigned for this fracture? Patient is a student and was a spectator at the game, A hospital patient fell out of his bed and injured his hip while at the hospital. The assumed intent for All transport accident categories: When the cause of an injury is identified by the FBI as terrorism: the first-listed external cause code should be a code from category Y38, Terrorism. Ex-rays showed a displaced left distal or lower femur fracture and a displaced fracture of the talus bone of the left foot. For those that are not, determine the kind of nonargument. When applicable, place of occurrence, activity, and external cause status codes are sequenced after the main external cause code(s). a) Can you draw a circle through all of the vertices of any rectangle? The patient was overcome by heat exhaustion while working near a blast furnace in a steel mill. c. V95.32XA, Accident,transport, occupant, objective evidence of disease that is observed by the examining MD, 9)A child was injured when he dove into the next door neighbor's swimming pool. What happens in stage 2 of general anesthesia? at the time of injury, Activity Codes (main term = Activity) Guidelines, ~describe the activity of pt. (Hint: First find the logarithm of 24 to the base 20 modulo 29, using some guesswork. take priority over all other external cause codes except cataclysmic events, child and adult abuse and terrorism. $$. The external causes of morbidity codes should never be sequenced as the first-listed or principal diagnosis. She was using a torch and hot glass when the glass cracked. What is reported if a patient has first and third degree burns of the same site? If a set A has two elements, show that $\mathcal{P}(A)$ has four elements. Some courses are prerequisites for others: Calculus is a prerequisite for business statistics; introduction to computer programming is a prerequisite for computer simulation and for data structures; and business statistics is a prerequisite for forecasting. Always sequence which external cause code first? describe the activity of the patient at the time of injury or other health condition occurrence, place of occurrence of the external cause, an external cause code is NEVER used as principal diagnosis, Sequencing Hierarchy of External Causes Codes. No external cause code needed in certain circumstances. Suspected cases should be classified as assault. Reason for visit was documented as" Change of dressings to both hands to protect the healing deep abrasions on both hands. When an accounting firm audits a corporation, the first phase of the audit involves obtaining knowledge of the business. This phase of the audit requires the activities in Table 23. The patient complains of a sore arm, and x-rays show a fracture. the external code is reported with the seventh character of S for sequela. Do not use a late effect external cause code for subsequent visits for follow up care (e.g., to assess healing, to receive rehabilitative therapy) of the injury when no late effect of the injury has been documented. The first-listed external cause code will be selected in the following order, *codes for child & adult abuse take priority over all other ext. codes from V00-Y99 are never principal codes, intent, place, activity and status of injury or patient in this order, use it secondary to activity code, where the person was when injury occurred, indicates activity person was involved in at time of injury or other health condition, do not assign Y93.9, unspecified activity, use V00-Y99 to explain the injury if the information is documented, review coding guidelines for proper order of codes, external cause codes for child and adult abuse, code external cause codes only for confirmed cases, if intent of accident is unknown or unspecified, sequelae or late effect external cause code, the vehicle must be moving, running or in use, etc, injuries caused to military or civilians on military property, FBI identify cause of injury as terrorism, Place of occurrence, activity of patient and status of patient, is not coded unless it is documented by healthcare provider, is optional for physicians and healthcare facilities unless there is state-based mandatory reporting, regardless of the number of external cause codes assigned, there should be only one place of occurrence code, one activity code, and one external cause status code assigned to an encounter, provide valuable data for research and evaluation of injury prevention strategies, if there is a limit to the number of external cause codes, report the code for the cause /intent most related to principal diagnosis, listed as principal, first-listed or only listed diagnosis code. Determine which of them can, with good reason, be considered arguments. Assign a code from category Y99, External cause status, to indicate the work status of the person at the time the event occurred. Which injury or healthcare condition is assigned an activity code? Suppose a machine that breaks down returns to service three days later (for instance, a machine that breaks down during day 3 would be back in working order at the beginning of day 6). what can a baby born to an opioid dependent mom have? is when the documentation in the record specifically states the intent of the event cannot be determined. The patient is discharged from the acute care hospital and is admitted to home health for a progressive resistance exercise program supervised by physical therapy services. $$ Codes from category Y92, Place of occurrence of the external cause, are secondary codes for use after other external cause codes to identify the location of the patient at the time of injury or other condition. The number of minority and nonminority students in each district is given in Table 53. The local court has decided that both of the towns two high schools (Cooley High and Wall Whitman High) must have approximately the same percentage of minority students (within 5%) as the entire town. 8) No external cause code needed in certain circumstances. Which code is assigned for the history of colonic polyps? Outline two additional proofs that there are infinitely many primes. A code from category Y99, External cause status, should be assigned whenever any other external cause code is assigned for an encounter, including an Activity code, except for the events noted below. If it charges a price p and spends a dollars on advertising, it can sell 10,000p2a1/6 units of the product. A tow truck collided with a car on the highway. When reporting the adverse effect of a drug, what number appears in the 5th or 6th position for the final code? Assume that the project must be completed in 30 days. Which of the following 7th characters is appropriate to add to a subcategory injury code for paraplegia due to a spinal injury of the cervical region (S14.109)? Coder may use documentation from non-physicians if, Physician has not documented external cause info, but if documentation is in conflict, the doctor's documentation takes precedence, T/F There is no national requirement for mandatory external cause codes, T But providers are encouraged to voluntarily report, External cause codes are used with any classification that represents a condition due to an external cause. Assign as many external cause codes as necessary to fully explain each cause. $$ Cryptanalyze the above cipher, if it is also known that the ciphertext block 24 corresponds to the plaintext letter U (with numerical equivalent 20). A 36 year old man was admitted to the hospital after a motorcycle accident where he sustained numerous injuries including: An 8-year-old girl was transported by ambulance to the ED after being rescued from her burning house. it is acceptable to assign code Y38.9 with another code from Y38, if there is an injury due to the initial terrorist event and an injury that is a subsequent result of the terrorist event, should be assigned whenever any other external code is assigned for an encounter, do not assign a code from category Y99 if, 1. no other external cause codes (cause, activity) are applicable for the encounter, do not assign code Y99.9, unspecified external cause status if, identifies the time of the care for each condition. $$ Each high school must have an enrollment of 300500 students, Use linear programming to determine an assignment of students to schools that minimizes the total distance students must travel to school. It was confirmed that she was intentionally hit while he was watching her at their home. Prove that no integer in the following sequence is a perfect square: The total body surface burn is 25% with 9% being third degree. the external cause code with the 7th character S for sequela. The students sell the T-shirts for $15 each. If the intent (accident, self-harm, assault) of the cause of an injury or other condition is unknown or unspecified, code the intent as accidental intent. After 6 days, he is discharged home. f. Multiple External Cause Coding Guidelines. T36.0X1- Poisoning by penicillins, accidental (unintentional)). She is taken immediately to the operating room to repair the artery laceration. Which of these encounters are valid reasons for an inpatient admission and may be assigned a Z code as the principal diagnosis? Some courses can be used to fulfill more than one requirement: Calculus can fulfill the math requirement; operations research, math and OR requirements; data structures, computer and math requirements; business statistics, math and OR requirements; computer simulation, OR and computer requirements; introduction to computer programming, computer requirement; and forecasting, OR and math requirements. No injuries are discovered. Aftercare encounters for injuries are assigned to the code for the injury and denoted by what character in what position? The 7th character extension for injury and poisoning provides encounter information. A patient presents with a crushing of the right index finger with some minor injury to the blood vessels of the same finger. One month later, the amputation stump became infected, and the patient was admitted under the orthopedic service for antibiotic treatment.

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