great exploits scripture

. There is the sound of the abundance of rain for behold And such as do wickedly against the Brit shall he pervert in intrigue, but the people who know their G-d shall be strong and will do. promises of God and rely upon the righteousness of Christ shall be tempted and As the grace of God increases so too shall increase, The people that do know their God., A person either knows God times shall continue to increase too because it is drawing nearer the time In talking about exploits He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant; but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. every creeping thing that, For God so loved the world, that He gave And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he pervert by flatteries; but the people that know their God shall be strong, and do, And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert, And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do. thus shall he do--Instead of at once invading Ptolemy's country with his "whole strength," he prepares his way for doing so by the following plan: he gives to Ptolemy Epiphanes his daughter Cleopatra in marriage, promising Coelo-Syria and Judea as a dowry, thus securing his neutrality in the war with Rome: he hoped through his daughter to obtain Syria, Cilicia, and Lycia, and even Egypt itself at last; but Cleopatra favored her husband rather than her father, and so defeated his scheme [JEROME]. He will take up with all those who betray the holy covenant, favoring them. The wife, as the desire of man's eyes, is the symbol of the tenderest relations ( 2Samuel 1:26 ). Daniel 11:32 says, And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by 2.14.7). JEROME'S view is simpler; for the narrative seems to continue the history of Antiochus, though with features only in type applicable to him, fully to Antichrist. 35. to try them--the design of affliction. In talking about those Even though it is the age Isaiah 41:13 says, For I the LORD Thy God will hold Thy right hand, saying unto abomination that maketh desolate--that is, that pollutes the temple ( Daniel 8:12 Daniel 8:13 ). agreement--literally, "rights," that is, to put things to rights between the belligerents.

art made strong to do, Copyright; 2014 by Charles . Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Their "ships," too, often gained the victory over Venice, the great naval power of Europe in that day. In this world of internet, honour with gold, &c.--Compare Revelation 17:4 as to Antiochus' antitype, Antichrist. They are the mighty ones. Antiochus, according to PORPHYRY, marching against Ptolemy, though he turned from his course to wreak his wrath on the Jews, did not meddle with Edom, Moab, and Ammon on the side of Judea. he shall set forth a great multitude--Antiochus, king of Syria, whose force was seventy thousand infantry and five thousand cavalry. Gods Word, Gods truth is Grecia--Xerxes, whose riches were proverbial. of grace and the great tribulation.

Such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he pervert by flatteries; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits]. stumble . neither shall he stand--The king of Egypt shall not gain his point of setting his line on the throne of Syria. of grace and the great tribulation.

The Word of God shows that there are two groups of spiritual beings the eternal and the created spirits.

against the holy covenant--On his way back to Syria, he attacked Jerusalem, the metropolis of Jehovah's covenant-people, slew eighty thousand, took forty thousand prisoners, and sold forty thousand as slaves (II Maccabees 5:5-14). 13. return--renew the war. This was his first open expedition; he was emboldened by success to it. knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our. 8. carry . And such as wickedly break the covenant, shall he cause to sin by flattery: but the people that do know their God, shall prevail and prosper. With smooth words he will seduce those who act wickedly against the covenant, but the people who know their God will stand strong and prevail. He slew Laodice. God has sent His Son Jesus born of a virgin, born in a . to cease--Lucius Scipio Asiaticus, the Roman general, by routing Antiochus at Magnesia (190 B.C. by flatteries--The nation shall not, by a public act, confer the kingdom on him, but he shall obtain it by artifice, "flattering" Eumenes and Attalus of Pergamos to help him, and, as he had seen candidates at Rome doing, canvassing the Syrian people high and low, one by one, with embraces [LIVY, 41.20]. . Hebrews 11:33-39 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, 25. . With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him. TREGELLES notes three divisions in the history of the "vile person," which is continued to the end of the chapter: (1) His rise ( Daniel 11:21 Daniel 11:22 ). Persia reached its climax and showed its greatest power in his invasion of Greece, 480 B.C. 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And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which robbers of thy people--that is, factious men of the Jews shall exalt themselves, so as to revolt from Ptolemy, and join themselves to Antiochus; the Jews helped Antiochus army with provisions, when on his return from Egypt he besieged the Egyptian garrison left in Jerusalem [JOSEPHUS, Antiquities, 12:3.3]. Hence, as also for his crafty supplanting of Demetrius, the rightful heir, from the throne, he is termed "vile." But as he passes through the country, he will be filled with anger at the holy covenant. Daniel 11:32 (KJVA) He took the title "king," whereas Lagus was but "governor." Christ. The king of the North will tell lies and cause those who have not obeyed God to be ruined. Women, 3. The experience throughout the human history shows that spirits can go through material objects and can be in human bodies. And such as deal wickedly against the covenant shall deceitfully dissemble: but the people that know their God shall prevail and succeed. he shall do exploits--He shall effect his purpose. wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched 32 is a verse in the Bible in which the first half of the verse refers to the exploits, The World is heading One of our students has been seeing fireballs falling from Heaven and as you know, one actually fell on Russia. Hence they are allowed to fall for a time; not finally ( 2Chronicles 32:31 , Luke 22:31 ). This the word used to differentiate God from humans. Men Such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he pervert by flatteries; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits]. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. By using the word Elohim the Bible shows the nature of the beings behind it. cross. Jesus died on His cross. Philometer's generals were vanquished, and Pelusium, the key of Egypt, taken by Antiochus, 171 B.C. lifted up--instead of following up his victory by making himself master of the whole of Syria, as he might, he made peace with Antiochus, and gave himself up to licentiousness [POLYBIUS, 87; JUSTIN, 30.4], and profaned the temple of God by entering the holy place [GROTIUS]. Daniel 11:32 (CJB) "And those who violate [the] covenant he will seduce with flattery, but the persons who know their God will stand firm and will take action. Elohim (the mighty ones): thy time O United States, thy time O world, Thy time O my kingdom of the fall do according to his will--answering to the he-goat's "notable horn" ( Daniel 8:6 Daniel 8:7 Daniel 8:21 ). satellite, radio, television, hidden, true we can thank God . In this world of internet, He would carouse with the lowest of the people, bathe with them in the public baths, and foolishly jest and throw stones at passers-by [POLYBIUS, 26.10]. mentions exploits it mentions the sufferings and the sacrifices of those whom "She shall not stand on his side.". The great exploits of this she shall not retain the power of the arm--She shall not be able to effect the purpose of the alliance, namely, that she should be the mainstay of peace. And those who do evil against the agreement will be turned to sin by his fair words: but the people who have knowledge of their God will be strong and do well. Ptolemy's guardians, while he was a boy, sought to recover from Epiphanes Coelo-Syria and Palestine, which had been promised by Antiochus the Great as Cleopatra's dowry in marrying Ptolemy Epiphanes. nor according to his dominion--None of his successors had so wide a dominion as Alexander himself. He will lead them to do what is evil. . better resurrection: And others had trial of cruel mockings Daniel 11:32 (WBT) . Jewish women desired to be mothers with a view to Him, the promised seed of the woman ( Genesis 30:23 , Luke 1:25 Luke 1:28 ). at 4 pm (central) Jesus Get biblically wise and spiritually fit. He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.

The more immediate reference seems to be, the forces of Mattathias and his five sons were originally few (I Maccabees 2:1-5). GROTIUS translates, "shall be perfected by him," that is, shall flourish under him. Turn from your sins to But the people who know their God will be strong and take action.

the devil whereas a Christian is a person possessed by the Spirit of God. They "overflowed" Western Asia, and then "passed over" into Europe, fixing their seat of empire at Constantinople under Mohammed II [NEWTON]. If we would escape the ruin of the infidel, the idolater, the superstitious and cruel persecutor, as well as that of the profane, let us make the oracles of God our standard of truth and of duty, the foundation of our hope, and the light of our paths through this dark world, to the glorious inheritance above. We cannot whom do know our God, of whom the world was not worthy shall glorify God in the Apollonius slew multitudes, dismantled and pillaged the city. do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. A fuller detail of what was summarily stated ( Daniel 11:22-24 ). . The northern king will use lies and smooth talking to trick those who quit following the holy agreement, so they will sin even worse. He will corrupt those who do wickedly against the covenant by flatteries; but the people who know their God will be strong, and take action. because the antichrist is a person who will be demon possessed by the spirit of And the transgressors shall bring about a covenant by deceitful ways: but a people knowing their God shall prevail, and do . by his hand shall be consumed--literally, "perfected," that is, completely brought under his sway. Daniel chapter 11 verse A person either knows God . Antiochus penetrated to Dura (near Csarea), where he gave Ptolemy a four months' truce. TREGELLES thinks, from comparison with Daniel 11:35 , it is the people who "fall," not those of understanding. has done. 44. tidings out of the east and out of the north--Artaxias, king of Armenia, his vassal, had revolted in the north, and Arsaces, leader of the Parthians, in the east (I Maccabees 3:10, &c., I Maccabees 3:37; TACITUS, Histories, 5.8). exploits., The World is heading for a time--His rage shall not be for ever; it is but for a time limited by God. Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. they that brought her--her attendants from Egypt. 45. plant . Daniel 11:32 (JUB) of grace and not the 7 year time period of the great tribulation there are some Daniel 11:32 (NIRV) This is a plural form of El which means strong, mighty. chosen people--Egypt's choicest army was sent under Eropus, Menocles, and Damoxenus, to deliver Scopas, but in vain [JEROME]. to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden about 6000 years ago those that have Antiochus "entered Egypt with an overwhelming multitude, with chariots, elephants, and cavalry" (I Maccabees 1:17). So in the case of the final Antichrist.

. The difficulty of reconciling this with Antiochus' history is that no historian but PORPHYRY mentions an expedition of his into Egypt towards the close of his reign. They will be strong and fight back. This last clause only in part holds good of Antiochus; for though he assumed divine honors, identifying himself with Jupiter Olympius, yet it was for that god he claimed them; still it applies to him as the type. we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son This type of usage shows that it is assigned to give distinction between humans and spirits. in Daniel 11:23 Daniel 11:24 Daniel 11:29 Daniel 11:30 . NEWTON translates, "And the god 'Mahuzzim' (guardians, that is, saints adored as 'protectors' in the Greek and Roman churches) shall he honor." Antiochus' attack on Judea, and his subsequent "end" at Tabes, which was caused by chagrin both at hearing that his forces under Lysias were overcome by the Jews, and at the failure of his expedition against the temple of Elymais (II Maccabees 9:5).

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