to whom was revelation originally written? quizlet

__________ is commended in 3 John for walking in truth and showing love to others. Acts makes it clear that believers today should strive to do what? The letter of 2 Corinthians is the most __________ account ever written about the trials and triumphs of Christian ministry. What are the symbols of purity that John saw in Jesus in chapter 1? Paul writes 2 Timothy to encourage Timothy to (choose three answers): persevere in the gospel through persecution. Choose four key themes found throughout the Gospel of Mark.

If you have not yet experienced salvation, briefly discuss what may be holding you back and mention questions that you may have. "For the word of God is__________ and_________ , sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the___________ and__________ of the_____________ " (Hebrews 4:12). In which city would you have once found Demetrius the silversmith? What is the result of the following behaviors/emotions in an individual's life? church or group of churches whom John knew. Identify five of Jesus' "I am statements" from John below. What is the point of the throne vision of chapter 4? . Mark describes more __________ of Jesus than any other Gospel writer. In Jude, __________ is the one who is able to keep individuals from falling away from the truth of __________ __________. The beginning and the end.". Above all, what should followers of Christ put on? Choose the books known as the four Gospels. The General Epistles are arranged in our New Testament according to . What did Christ recommend to the Christians in Smyrna? The book of 2 Peter shows believers that they should live as if Christ were going to return __________. Above all, what should followers of Christ put on? What does Jesus do in Luke 2 at the age of twelve? The Christian who accepts the challenge to study Revelation is called "blessed". Identify three key themes that run through 1 Thessalonians. Revelation was most likely written during the reign of. What do the stars represent? According to 1 Peter 3:18, why did Christ die for the sins of the world? The second coming of Christ and the end times. Savior and Lord; the One who will return for His people. Stay true to the teaching of Scripture; don't be led astray by false teachers/teaching. But he laid His right hand on me, saying to me, "Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more.

Paul encourages believers to be diligent in ministering to others because Jesus hasn't returned yet. The Jews in the town were slandering them and causing problems for them economically. According to the last chapters of Revelation, how does the story of Revelation (and the bible for the matter) end? Which Gospel do the majority of scholars think was written first? What quality of the believers in Smyrna did Christ commend? Who wrote 1-2 Thessalonians and who were these letters written to? Who is the human author of Revelation and where was he when he wrote this book? What are three tests that John provided for his readers? Who were these three disciples? assurance, becasue they were being confused by false teachers. Luke's Gospel begins with the birth of whom? What occupation did Matthew have prior to becoming a disciple of Jesus? -balance of condemnation and commendation. Which church was the Lord going to open doors of opportunity to? Luke 9:23-26 means to live the Christian life according to Jesus means that we need to deny worldly things and will cause us to sin and follow the plan that Jesus Christ has set up for us. . What was the intended audience of Revelation facing? Who is the recipient of this letter? Why might his readers have needed this? What two things should you look for when studying the Gospel of Luke? Goes to the temple in Jerusalem for Passover. Briefly share what you believe about Jesus in 50-100 words. However, after he betrayed Jesus and committed suicide, a new apostle was chosen to take his place. What do these heresies have in common with one another? How can it be known that Matthew's Gospel was written prior to 70 A.D.? According to 2 Timothy 3:16, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for (choose four answers): The author of this letter is_______ ; the recipient of this letter was_____, What was the threefold purpose for the letter to Titus being written? Acts 1:8 says that followers of Christ should be His __________ to the end of the earth. To help them realize God's incredible grace, and the importance of relying upon His grace when attempting to stand firm in the faith. . In the specific messages to the seven churches, what are they repeatedly challenged to do? . Who were two of Jude's most prominent siblings? According to 1 Timothy, church leaders should be __________ __________. What were the two main reasons Paul originally wrote 1 Corinthians? Jesus is King and Savior who will one day return to earth; God will renew His creation and His people will live with Him forever.

What does 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life? When reading/studying 1 Timothy, what's one thing that you should attempt to do? What was the overcomer promised in the message to the church at Pergamos? The original texts of the New Testament were written in what century? In Hebrews, Jesus is the __________ __________ __________. Not included among the churches addressed in Revelation was the church in. (Choose three answers below.). To bring humans to God (to restore their relationship with the Father). What was the overcomer promised in the message to the church at Sardis? Choose four key themes found throughout the Gospel of Mark. Luke 2 gives the only glimpse into the life of adolescent Jesus in the entire Bible. Read the following verses in the following order: Romans 3:10; 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:13; and 10:9. Which church was told some of them would be taken to prison for ten days? Why is Revelation called apocalypse? The letter of 1 Corinthians begins with a focus on the cross and ends with an emphasis on the resurrection . Stay true to the teaching of Scripture; don't be led astray by false teachers/teaching. Mark presents Jesus as the __________ __________. . The coming of the Holy Spirit ensures that the spread of the Church can't be stopped. (Choose two answers). What are seven strategies to help one read and understand revelation? (Choose two answers. Could Peter really have written 1 Peter? . Paul is the author of Philemon; Philemon is the recipient of this letter. When John saw Him, he fell down in fear, but Christ told him to stop fearing because He had no intention of doing him harm. In order to save your life, you must lose it for Him (Christ) and the gospel. ), Luke 2:52 - "And Jesus increased in [ Select ] ["power", "popularity", "wisdom"] and in [ Select ] ["stature", "wealth", "fame"] and in favor with [ Select ] ["God", "Pharisees", "Pilate"] and man .". They were known as Jesus's "inner three." The writers of the New Testament quoted the Old Testament over ________ times. According to 2 Timothy 1:7, God "gave us not a spirit of_______ but of________ and __________and self-control.". Why was the letter of Ephesians written to the church in Ephesus? ", List the seven churches to whom Revelation is addressed, Jesus said, "I am the _____ and the _____. What does "apocolypse" mean? Identify three key themes from Revelation. Identify five of Jesus's "I am statements" from John below. Why was it important? According to the textbook, Hebrews may be described as a . What was the overcomer promised in the message to the church at Thyatira? Justification is by [ Select ] ["Faith", "Works", "Sacrifice", "Baptism"] alone in [ Select ] ["Christ", "Works", "Holiness", "Confession"] alone. What do we get if we trust in Christ? What is the literary style of the Book of Revelation? Proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. In 1 Corinthians, Jesus is the resurrected __________ and __________. I will write on Him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. Who is the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thessalonians? One practical application from 1 Thessalonians is: There is no excuse for idle living and __________ in the life of a Christian. One of the key themes through 2 Thessalonians is that believers should __________ __________ in their faith. How did Gnoticism regard matter and spirit? Believers should strive to remain faithful and to display Christ-like behavior in the midst of difficult circumstances. What theological term is sometimes used to capture what will take place when a believer spends eternity in heaven with God? What is the 3rd interpretative approach to the book of Revelation? If you have already experienced salvation, please briefly share about when this happened. What does Matthew 6:33 say that believers should do? They will eat manna from heaven and receive a white stone. What theological term explains what happens at the moment a person trusts in Jesus as Lord and Savior? What does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life is? What does 1 Peter 3:15 command believers to always be ready to do? What did Jesus say was right with the church at Smyrna? When reading/studying Titus, an individual should notice the emphasis placed upon what two things? Colossians gives the most concise description of Christ's __________ in all the Bible. In John's Gospel, Jesus makes seven "I am" statements, but He adds to what God said about Himself to Moses (Jesus is claiming to be a more clear revelation of God by doing this; He is essentially claiming to be God). Luke 2:52 - "And Jesus increased in_______ and in______ and in favor with_____ and________ . What is the overarching message of 3 John? What verse toward the end of Revelation tells the reader that Christ is the central figure of all Bible prophecy? Which city was famous for making black woolen garments? Collectively strive to carry out Jesus' mission.

The book of Romans is known as the most ____________ book in the entire Bible. Jesus had twelve disciples but He spent most of his time with just three; they were known as Jesus' "inner three." (Choose two answers).

The letter of 2 Corinthians makes it clear that __________ is the mark of a true disciple of Christ. What did John provide in 1 John in relation to their salvation? (Choose two answers). (Choose three answers.). Briefly mention each of the six pieces of the armor of God and explain what each piece is to be used for. _________ __________ is/are the result of salvation in Jesus Christ. Parts of the Bible are complex, but you should view this as a challenge from the Lord to show your love by diligent effort in Bible research. Who were two of Jude's most prominent siblings? Knowing this, what theological truth can be concluded about John 1:1? Resurrection appearance of Jesus before seven of the disciples at the Sea of Galilee. According to Jesus, what are the two greatest commandments? The One who will return for His children. Who were these three disciples? What is the 2nd interpretative approach to the book of Revelation? According to scholars, what are the three possibilities for the identification of this unknown title/reference? What are the three "tests of life" in 1 John? In which city could satan's throne be found? When did John write the book of Revelation? (Choose six answers below). Identify three key themes that run through 1 Thessalonians. What theological term can be used to explain the lifelong process of striving to become more like Christ? Jesus is holding seven stars in His hand in chapter 1. _______is the author of Philemon;______ is the recipient of this letter. What foreign empire conquered the northern kingdom of Israel? Who wrote 1 and 2 Thessalonians and to whom were they written? What chapter in the book of Acts details the radical transformation of Saul/Paul? . Who is Jesus in Revelation? Identify three key components of the gospel message that are emphasized in Acts. Christians today should strive to __________ __________ of all nations. Luke's Gospel begins with the birth of who? -persectution and warn those who were trying to avoid it. According to 2 Corinthians, Christians must be __________ __________ in the way they think, speak, and act. The New Testament consists of __________ books written by about __________ different authors over a period of 50-60 years. The position that maintains the church will be raptured from the earth before the tribulation period is called? In Jude, __________ is the one who is able to keep individuals from falling away from the truth of __________ __________. Your response should be a 100 word minimum. (Choose two answers). Who was it most likely written to? (Choose seven answers). What does 2 Corinthians 5:17 say about every follower of Christ? (100 word minimum), 1. The belt of truth- is which is the glue (truth) that holds us together. . What was the two-fold purpose of the book in light of this? Why? What does 1 Peter 3:15 command believers to always be ready to do? The book of 2 Peter has more to say about __________ __________ than any other New Testament letter. The Holy Spirit begins indwelling believers. What theological term can be used to explain the lifelong process of striving to become more like Christ? According to Jesus, what are the two greatest commandments? Who is Jesus in Matthew's Gospel? How many people are saved after Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost? They allowed the enemies of Christ into their church. ~proto-ginosticism: Jesus could not have been a real human. What intrigued the Epicureans and Stoics about Paul's message? These verses are sometimes called the Romans Road to the Gospel. To whom were 1 and 2 Corinthians written? According to scholars, what are the three possibilities for the identification of this unknown title/reference? Savior and Lord; the One who will return for His people. It also shows that if we do not have faith we will have the wages of sin, which is death (6:27). One of the practical applications from Colossians is that believers should strive to live __________ lives. What must a Christian do with the book of Revelation if he is going to be blessed? Which feature of an ancient letter is missing from Hebrews? What were the three qualifications for a book to be considered as New Testament Scripture? In 1 John, what are the potential heresies that John was confronting? Books were written as letters to churches and/or individuals for the purpose of correcting wrongdoings and providing additional instruction about how to live the Christian life. When reading and studying 2 Corinthians, what should we attempt to do? What command does Jesus give His followers in Mark 16:15? Identify two key themes from the book of Philemon. What does 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life? What type of lives should followers of Christ strive to live? Which chapter is the theological key to the book of Revelation? To me, Jesus is my comfort, my strength when I am weak. The inauguration of Jesus' ministry (His baptism). Where was the first Ecumenical Council held. What was/is the purpose of the books written by the apostle Paul? Identify these three things. Which city was known for the worship of Diana? In 1 Corinthians, Jesus is the resurrected __________ and __________. Mark was a disciple (student) of which apostle? Choose the books known as the four Gospels. . And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. Identify five key themes from the book of Acts. Identify four key themes in 1 Corinthians. What was Christ's warning and recommendations to the Christians at Ephesus? 1. believers that Jesus the Christ has come in flesh. Justification is by ______ alone in _____alone - this is the overarching message of Galatians. Choose the five sections of the New Testament from the list below. How does John refer to himself in his Gospel? What is Philemon encouraged to do in the letter written to him? Another term for the General Epistles is . "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men .". she ate a pomegranate, which she was tempted to by her gardener. - Christians should expect to experience suffering on some level. How many times does the word "suffering" appear in 1 Peter? The nature of love and how Christians should display it. What phrase is mentioned thirty-two times in Matthew, but nowhere else in the Bible? According to Matthew 11:27-28, who/what is rest found in? He is our (choose four answers): Who wrote Colossians and who was it written to? Who was Revelation originally written to?

To whom was Revelation originally written? When studying Jude, notice how false teachers are condemned based upon __________ __________ examples. (Choose two answers). What view of the rapture makes the best sense of Paul's teaching in Thessalonians? Luke was a close companion of what apostle? In John's Gospel, Jesus makes seven "I am" statements, but He adds to what God said about Himself to Moses (Jesus is claiming to be a more clear revelation of God by doing this; He is essentially claiming to be God). What qualities of the believers at Ephesus did Christ commend? What distressed Paul while waiting in Athens? The New Testament has a total of ________ books written by about _______ different authors. It also says to never be ashamed of the words of Christ. Jesus has always existed with God, and as God. One of the things that should be kept in mind when studying the book of Acts is this: The spread of the Church leads geographically __________ __________ Jerusalem (try to notice this as you read Acts). In this exchange, what did Christ get? According to 2 Corinthians, Christians must be __________ __________ in the way they think, speak, and act. The One who will return for His children. God delights in believers who walk in truth and show hospitality and love to others. When reading/studying 1 Timothy, what's one thing that you should attempt to do? Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. Jesus has the mercy and compassion he wants us to have. What did Jesus say was wrong with the church at Ephesus? Which to me is a great comfort to know that when things are tough He has and always will get me through it. The position that rejects the idea of a literal thousand-year reign of Christ on earth is called. Who is the named author or authors of the New Testament? The book of Revelation provides much material for study of the division of theology known as. What are the symbols of power that John saw in Jesus in chapter 1? Some held to the doctrine of balaam and the church founded this city, The two churches where you would find the synagogue of Satan. What command does Jesus give His followers in Mark 16:15? "I have no greater [ Select ] ["pain", "joy", "sorrow"] than to hear that my children are walking in the [ Select ] ["truth", "falsehood", "world"] " (3 John 4). What is the Chronology of Paul's Epistles? Christians should expect to experience suffering on some level. Ephesians 2:8-10 makes it extremely clear that we are saved by [ Select ] ["Grace", "Works", "Confession", "Giving"] through [ Select ] ["faith", "works", "judgment", "righteousness"] in Christ . According to 2 Timothy 1:7, God "gave us not a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control. Which church did the Lord commend their love, their service, their patience, and their faith? What two commands does John give in 2 John? Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy. "I have no greater ___________than to hear that my children are walking in the_________ " (3 John 4). What is the 4th interpretative approach to the book of Revelation? To warn believers of the destructive nature of false teaching. Choose three things that are mentioned in the book of Acts. What was John's occupation prior to being an apostle of Jesus Christ? The original texts of the New Testament were written in what century? Believers should strive to remain faithful and to display Christ-like behavior in the midst of difficult circumstances. (Choose two answers.). One of the key themes through 2 Thessalonians is that believers should __________ __________ in their faith. The author primarily wrote Hebrews to encourage his readers to . What was John's occupation prior to being an apostle of Jesus Christ? __________ __________ are the result of living a Spirit-filled life. Revelation is highly symbolic with many images, allusions, and references coming from. The Gospel of Matthew __________ the Old Testament to/from the New Testament. What did he do while there? Who is Jesus in the Gospel of John? What famous sermon does Jesus preach in Matthew 5-7? What theological term is sometimes used to capture what will take place when a believer spends eternity in heaven with God? In Hebrews, Jesus is the __________ __________ __________. The verses also show us how to call upon then name of the Lord and that everyone God come to the Father through the Son in order to receive eternal life by faith alone (10:13).

Who were the four beings involved in conveying the content of the book of Revelation? What did He promise the overcomer when speaking to this church? (according to class discussion). So that Timothy could receive instruction on matters pertaining to leading a church. To encourage believers to imitate the thoughts and actions of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:21 the greatest exchange that could ever take place is detailed. Consider the implications of Luke 9:23-26 for your life. . We are to find joy and ourselves in Christ for our home is in Heaven with Christ. (Choose three answers). Paul encourages believers to be diligent in ministering to others because Jesus hasn't returned yet. Believers today should seek to determine what their __________ __________ is/are, and then use it/them to build up Christ's body, the Church. Christ warned them that He couldn't let their kind of church continue to exist, and He encouraged them to return to their first love for Him, This church was under great pressure. It helps us remember that everyone is our neighbor and Jesus calls us to love everyone. (Choose three answers). What is the overarching message of 3 John? There are three primary things that the book of Romans mentions about salvation. Three categories of beliefs that Olson uses in his hierarchy of beliefs?

When studying Jude, notice how false teachers are condemned based upon __________ __________ examples. Why might that be significant for understanding the book?

Where is the theme of mercy found throughout the Sermon on the Mount? (Choose seven answers.). What two words frequently point to Christ's supremacy in the book of Hebrews? The book of 1 John affirms Christ's [ Select ] ["power", "humanity", "resurrection", "miracles"] , deity , and focuses on God's [ Select ] ["love", "mercy", "grace", "wrath"] in Christ. . Acts is the __________ to the Gospel of Luke (Luke wrote both books). What effect did Christ's glorified appearance have on John? Does James contradict Paul's teaching on faith, works, and justification? The New Testament has a total of ________ books written by about _______ different authors. In Colossians, Jesus is the __________ One; He __________ over all things. The centrality of Christ's resurrection from the dead. To whom were they most likely written? Luke was a close companion of what apostle? . . Philippians 4:8 says that believers should think about whatever is (Choose seven answers. The book of 2 Peter has more to say about __________ __________ than any other New Testament letter. Acts 1:8 says that followers of Christ should be His __________ to the end of the earth. written to specific people at a specific time for specific reasons, literature uncovering God's behind the scenes through a heavenly messenger to his oppressed people using vivid and unusual imagery to provide hope in God's defeat of evil. What type of leaders should Christians strive to be today? "the chosen lady and her children" and its church and individual members, provide instruction and assurance to those encountering false teaching, warn against welcoming any teachers into ones home or entertaining their ideas, commend gains for his hospitality and condemn Diotrophes for his inhospitality and dictational leadership. What were the three qualifications for apostleship? Give a defense of the Christian faith (with gentleness and respect). ), Colossians 3:23 has a lot to say about a Christian's work ethic. Who is Jesus in Romans? Identify four key themes in 1 Corinthians. (For more verses on how to get saved, see Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:13; and Romans 10:9-10; you may also message your teacher for more information about this.). There are two incorrect approaches to studying Revelation; identify these below. How does Paul typically begin and conclude every letter that he writes? Who is the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thessalonians? Matthew 27-28 details what two major events in the life of Christ? What was his purpose of these tests? Believers shouldn't be __________ of/by the gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the first interpretative approach to the book of Revelation? According to Revelation 1, what four roles will Christ fill in the future? (Acts 17:16-21). How are Christians ultimately able to stand firm in their faith? Jesus ascends to heaven. According to 1 Peter 3:18, why did Christ die for the sins of the world? "because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus". Mark presents Jesus as the __________ __________. How does John refer to himself in his Gospel? What was the name of this apostle? How many prayers of Jesus are found in Luke? . To whom was 2 John addressed? The book of 1 John affirms Christ's ________ ,_________ , and focuses on God's____________ in Christ. What was the threefold purpose for the letter written to Titus? One of the things that should be kept in mind when studying the book of Acts is this: The spread of the Church leads geographically __________ __________ Jerusalem (try to notice this as you read Acts). __________ is commended in 3 John for walking in truth and showing love to others. - False teaching is dangerous and destructive. Who has traditionally been identified as the author of the letter of John?

(Choose two answers.). How many prayers of Jesus are found in Luke? Amen.

The believers at Pergamum had remained faithful in spite of what tragedy?

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