weird extinct animals

i was recently searching for the woolly mammoth for my school project.. when i realized soo many animals have gone into extinction becoz of us, i was disturbed ..extinct animals can be brought back, but what about their habitat that we destroyed?there's way too much pollution now..(and a pandemic situation) so that idea should be put aside.protect the animals that are still living ..take an initiative to do whats right..reduce pollution . The woolly rhinoceros was larger than its modern-day counterpart and was covered in a thick layer of hair similar to woolly mammoths, which they lived alongside. Vote with your wallet. Making vehicles and buildings more energy efficient and increasing the use of alternative energies are just some of the things we can do. Its jaws could open 120 degrees and its stomach could distend to consume large quantities of food, meaning it could survive in sparsely populated areas. :). The Tecopa pupfish adapted to almost anything nature threw at it - except man. We aren't each other's enemies. i regret what our anccestors and the people now days are doing to the world i just wished that some these people would just understand that animals have feelings too. Furthermore, their habitat was destroyed in the 1950s when goats were brought to the island.

There have been two main eras of anthropogenic (man-made) extinction in modern times, which together form the ongoing "Anthropocene" mass extinction event. Utterly defenseless, great auks were killed by rapacious hunters for food and bait, particularly during the early 1800s. No, it's a hideous 6-foot-long carnivorous creature called Anomalocaris, and it had tentacles with teeth on them. It lived around 30 million years ago in the area around Egypt. bear nandi mythical creatures animals bigfoot around extinct africa african sightings creature strange giant weirdest evidence plants bears chalicothere defense Our only enemies are the ones who sit at the very top, and try to divide and conquer us all, both humans and animals alike. Elephants are already pretty strange animals. Some of the animals on the list below may already be extinct, but they can't be declared so until extensive, targeted surveys have been completed. its like there trying to make animals go extinct.

The more we distance ourselves, the less compassion we have. That deadly whorl sat somewhere in Helicoprion's lower jaw. The Puerto-Rican hutia is an extinct species of rodent once found in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. Yet, the defiant among us would rather risk it all than believe it could happen. The platybelodon of 10-20 million years ago had a spork-scythe trunk it would eat by biting a branch and using its second pair of flat tusks at the front of its mouth to cut through vegetation. this is soo sad i what to save all animals. Dragonflies are harmless and nice to look at. I'm not too sure about the technicality but they may become invasive in a habitat since they were long gone, it is most likely they do not have natural predators, and some may not have their natural prey which will only render then extinct once again or cause them to be endangered. Killing was often wasteful and the species was exterminated by 1768, less than 30 years after it was first discovered.

Rocky Mountain locusts ranged through the western United States and some portions of Canada until the end of the 19th century. (a model of it i mean) Its so sad what has happened to these amazing lovely animals. Please, fight back against poaching and animal trafficking. Delcourt's giant gecko was the largest of all known geckos - with a snout-to-vent length of 14.6 inches and an overall length of at least 23.6 inches. When the rhino's are gone how will asia heal themselves. The mega-eagle eventually died out. By the 13th century, populations had declined so much that the right to hunt them was restricted to nobles and royal households in eastern Europe. Dr. Oliver Ryder, who works at the facility pleads that no one cry Jurassic Park just yet. A worm. Enjoy this look at interesting extinct animals? environmental scientists behind recent research say. but the fins are cartilage which has no taste at all I mean no taste at all I'm only 10. When rabies was introduced to the Honshu wolf population in 1732 (either deliberately or through domesticated dogs), the disease killed off a large number of animals and made them more aggressive towards humans. Some of our website features may not function as a result. Calculating extinction rates can be difficult, in part because no one knows exactly how many species there are. Hunting, habitat destruction (of their swamps), and the introduction of predators, such as foxes, dogs, and dingoes, all led to their demise. Studies show even the tiniest increment of additional warmth introduced to the planet would see more species join the extinction list. humans need to stop being a parasite and value maintaining the planet. It was so wise and capable (legend says) that it could keep itself and its flock alive and well for months on end without human help. From 1870 the decline of the species became precipitous and some unsuccessful attempts were made to breed the birds in captivity. So long as I live, I will do everything in my power to fight for this world, and encourage others to do the same. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. They vanished from Australia about 50,000 years ago, which means the earliest Aboriginal people may have made contact with them. ps I want to be a marine biologist. A scientific journal from around 1900 speculates that Edestus looked like this. It resembled modern-day elephants, except with downward curving tusks attached to the lower jaw. They are the only pinniped species to have gone extinct. The Caribbean Monk Seal (Monachus tropicalis) could be found throughout the Caribbean and West Atlantic, however, little is known about their migration patterns. It could be eating us humans in the wild. It is really sad to know that thus creatures no more exists. In the 1770s, the British Parliament passed one of the earliest environmental protection laws in history that prohibited the killing of the Auks in Great Britain, but it was already too late. Read more about de-extinction and resurrection biology.

warning kinda sad but, in japan they kill a lot of whales,dolphins,and sharks. Pyrenean ibex were natives of the Iberian Peninsula and became extinct in January of 2000. Its so awful that we have been the primary cause of extinction for many of those animals. This shy animal was one of only two marsupials to have a pouch in both sexes (the other being the water opossum). Christopher Columbus called them "sea wolves" when he observed them in 1494. Enormous numbers were captured by sailors, who often drove the birds up planks and slaughtered them on their way into the hold of a vessel. Around since the ice age, habitat modifications and the introduction of non-native species led to its extinction in about 1970. But it lives on in your nightmares. Reaching the size of a young rabbit, this mammal had a very long tail - measuring approximately 70% of its total head and body length. In the first, around 10,000 years ago, retreating ice following the end of the last glacial period adversely affected the habitats of several species that subsequently went extinct. The Japanese Honsh wolf is an extinct subspecies of the gray wolf; once endemic to the islands of Honsh, Shikoku, and Kysh. Nature can survive without us, but we cannot survive without nature. chillypeppers/disfun on November 15, 2019: its a disgrace that all these lovely animals are going extinct. I hope animals are reserved and boo to humans for this nonsense!!!!!! Despite its bulk, it could run up to 55 kph and quickly change direction. It diverged from zebras to become a separate species around 200,000 years ago and became extinct in the 19th century. But encroaching humans and poachers would bring about their downfall. As American settlers pressed westward, passenger pigeons were slaughtered by the million yearly for their meat and shipped by railway carloads for sale in city markets. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. However, over-hunting by local tribes and the introduction of modern-day firearmswhich made it easier to kill the bearsprobably contributed most to their demise. god first and science is second. These massive, docile animals floated at the surface of the coastal waters but unfortunately had little ability to submerge. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The birds were approximately 75 cm (30 inches) long and had short wings which were used for underwater swimming. With global warming in the picture, we'll probably wipe out ourselves because of our stupidity. Here's a terrifying video of what they would have looked like in action. I have seen a lot less factories today, but we still need to do something about the ocean, or the food chains gonna get messed up. They could grow up to seven feet tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 700 kg. thx this helped me with a school thing for school, I think scientists should only bring back certain animals from extinction, thank you for the article its really helping me on my endangered species project for school. animals pangolin mammal endangered unusual scales animal strange rare armadillo species extinct creatures mammals beasts wild scaly scale anteater kingdom Almost everyday we throw garbage and everyday we cut down trees. Here are some other beautiful species that are no longer with us: Five-year status reviews are a requirement of the Endangered Species Act to ensure that the status of a species listed as threatened or endangered remains accurate and has not changed, for better or worse. We must speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. It died in 1936 after being locked out of its enclosure during a heat wave. Here are two black rhinos in central Kenya. However, the Great Auk also had a heavy hooked beak and it could grow to almost three feet in height. The cellular zoo serves as a museum or catalog of what we have on Earth now and extinct animals. Females were generally taller than males. It's our past. 35 Extinct Animals That Should Be Cloned Back Into Existence. :(. The last known Carolina parakeet perished in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1918, and the species was declared extinct in 1939. Imagine a scorpion with a paddle-shaped body meant for swimming. These piranhas were so huge that scientists formally dubbed their species Megapiranha. These and subsequent sailors quickly decimated the dodo population as an easy source of fresh meat for their voyages. So that begs the question, are we truly on the cusp of the sixth extinction event? They slept for about 16 hours a day and drank large quantities of water to store for use at a later time. The retreating ice caused most of their habitat to disappear, reducing their population enough for humans to wipe them out through hunting. The later introduction of monkeys, pigs, and rats to the island proved catastrophic to the languishing birds as the mammals feasted on their vulnerable eggs. A critically endangered species is one that has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. Like Helicoprion, Edestus is another extinct animal whose exact form is still a matter of debate. This article will provide pictures and facts for fifteen extinct creatures that are likely to captivate your attention. The head shows unusual features: five eyes, a mouth under the head and facing backwards, and a proboscis that probably passed food to the mouth. Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise, died in 2012. It very sad, it is helping with my social studies but still, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. It was the smallest species of wolf in the Canis lupus family, growing to about three feet in length and 12 inches at the shoulder. We are all equal. Its name was derived from its call, which sounded like "kwa-ha-ha" This is the only known photo of this species.

Neptune has winds that blow faster than the speed of sound, with gusts reaching 1,500 mph. They were a vital food source for the Amerindians for many years. it would be fantastic if they come again but only god can do so. These flightless, ground-nesting birds were once bountiful on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. A name like "short-faced bear" sounds cute. Reconnect with our only home, our inner animal. They could grow to almost four meters in height (12 feet) and weigh 230 kg. Fur traders who hunted it gave the sea mink various names, including water marten, red otter, and fisher cat. All we know is: Teeth. Of course they play a part in it, but these animals didn't have to food sources of the instinct to survive in the wild. If we don't do something soon, we will all be responsible for not having just doomed ourselves, but millions of other life forms that exist on this planet. Opabinia were a stem group arthropod found in the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Lagersttte of British Columbia, Canada. Humans have contributed to the extinction of many beautiful animals. However, rather than being related to the modern rhinoceros, arsinoitheriums genetics most closely resemble the elephant and the sea cow. May our knowledge of these remarkable beasts preserve them in our memories and revive them in our imaginations. I've seen a lot of comments about blaming ourselves. While the Phoberomys pattersoni was herbivorous, these tremendous rodents would have had foot-long incisors. I did a report on the Irish Elk for school. The lack of competition in landlocked spots can lead some species to develop what's known as "island gigantism." The largest event occurred around 250 million years ago, when perhaps 95 percent of all species went extinct. i love extinct animals please bring them back lol. A Roman mosaic that likely depicts an Atlas bear. In particular, the seals had been easy to hunt when they were birthing, nursing their offspring, or resting on land. They were enormous, bird-like creatures that would stab or bludgeon their prey to death with their sharp beak and reinforced skulls. The culprit? 'the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago,the 2nd best time is now', it is possible to bring back extinct animals and it has been done before. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. The Jamaican giant galliwasp was a species of lizard in the Anguidae family. People must be educated and let them know not to kill animal for money & livelihood. It is considered the largest known rodent at a length of about 3 feet and a height of about five feet. That is until a single male was discovered on the island in 1971. At nearly 60 feet long, these extinct ocean predators are still regarded as "the most formidable carnivore to ever have existed.". This painting is considered to be an accurate restoration of Smilodon. (Photo of closely related American Mink.). humans are the devil of the earth even tho im one of them. The animal weighed about a ton and was vegetarian. These massive creatures could reach 11 feet in height and weigh six tonnes, which is about the same size as African elephants, although their closest relative is the Asian elephant. They ranged across present-day Syria, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq - with the last known wild specimen being fatally shot in 1927. However, it could grow up to nine meters long (30 feet). We need to protect the planet we have now and the animals that are both endangered and not endangered before they go extinct because we will regret it. Its beak-like mouth was specifically made for biting through armor like its own, indicating it may have been either a cannibalistic species or one that fought over territory. However,i am curious to read such informations,i am sure many others too. Fossil records suggest they were 10 feet long, with another 5 feet of tail. Pentecopterous is an extinct genus of eurypterid (or "sea scorpion") known from the Middle Ordovician period, as early as 467.3 million years ago. Sociable creatures, they lived in groups. The different colors of the animal consisted of uniquely textured furs that changed seasonally (or varied depending on the individual). The toolache wallaby lived in southeastern Australia and southwestern Victoria. Fossils from T. rexes and other dangerous dinosaurs show teeth marks from the deinosuchus. DNA testing in 2014 proved that humans were the main cause of the Moa's demise. The Atlas bear eventually became extinct sometime in the late nineteenth century. What is the point. A prehistoric vulture called Argavantis was as tall as a human and preyed on cattle. Theyre huge mammals that walk on tree trunk-like legs (that they can also hear with) and have giant flexible hoses for noses. Vast banks of animal cells (in two separate facilities, just to be safe) sit frozen. Although its fur was brownish-black, the Atlas bear was categorized as a brown bear because it was stockier and sturdier than the American black bear. They were native to Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea.

Its shocking that animals like gorillas might be extinct in our lifetime if we dont really stop and concentrate on the preservation of Earth & its creatures. However, science has been attempting to clone them. They were also one of the largest arthropods ever recorded, at a length of six feet. While climate change definitely played a significant role in their extinction, recent studies suggest that humans may have also been a driving force in their demise, or at least the final cause. Archeological evidence also suggests that humans ate these birds regardless of their age, which would, of course, have made it very difficult for them to reproduce. Smilodon hunted megafauna (bison, deer, and small mammoths), but it was also a scavenger, which might suggest it was a social animal. The Caspian tiger was officially declared extinct in the 1970s and, of course, humans played a large part in this. I wish they brought the rhino and seal back to life. don't worrry they might come back in the future. While the government paid over 2,000 bounties to eradicate the species, scientific evidence reveals that habitat loss, competition with dogs, and changing patterns of wildfires also contributed to their demise. However, its genetic make-up is largely unique when compared to extant bears. Stellar's sea cow lived in coastal regions of the north Pacific ocean, in shallow areas where it fed on reeds. Sometimes it seems like the old "walks like a duck, quacks like a duck" saying only works metaphorically since it doesn't really apply to the genetics of species. It is tragic that humanity has caused the extinction of so many beautiful animals and shameful that this continues today. If a common cow's feces can be named an air pollutant, how threatening could understudied species be? Respect existence or expect resistance. While many smaller species have died out, it is the larger species that tend to invoke our imaginations. The current "Anthropocene" event is the sixth. Then explore the North Pole's amazing Arctic wildlife. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. this stuff of extinct animals is very very sad. No? Deinosuchus grew to be 35 feet long and was found in North America in the same places where modern-day humans flip out over crocodiles one-fourth that size. Their jaws were so efficient they could hinge them open and snap them shut in a matter of milliseconds. This small, hopping marsupial from the desert regions of Central Australia was discovered in the early 1840s - and then wasn't recorded for the next 90 years. Its sooooooooooooooooo sad to know the can never come back. But fully engaging ourselves in how to best help species adapt to the oncoming storm will also be an indispensable resource going forward. Another factor was climate change (retreating ice), which destroyed its habitat and that of its prey. Sadly, here are just a few of the beautiful creatures we risk losing, or may already have lost: Currently, there are over 32,000 species threatened with extinction (as assessed by the IUCN), with far more under various levels of threat. We should bring back animals that went extinct because of humans.

must be some insane fossil that showed an animal going extinct in bloody 10,000 BC. Even when the cost of excessive hunting is known, greed can still invoke the darker nature of our species. These tortoises were hunted prolifically for food in the 19th century. The Josephoartigasia Monesi is a giant rodent fossil, lived between four and two million years ago in present-day Uruguay. It's a shrimp! However, humans also contributed by over-hunting several larger species (megafauna). While extinctions are always multi-faceted, the extermination of some species can be almost directly linked to the insatiable appetites of modern humans. The Tasmanian tiger became extinct in the 1930s due to excessive hunting by farmers who viewed it as a pest and blamed it for killing sheep and poultry, although it's possible that these claims were exaggerated. It hurts to know that some animals long ago are now extinct. This may have included Smilodon, but certainly included its megafauna prey, possibly leading to a scarcity of food. Despite its size, it was still able to fly. Which may actually be tentacles. Apparently when the animal was described during a paleontology meeting in the mid-'70s, the room erupted in laughter. In all seriousness, the decline of wildlife is extremely sad because most of these poor animals could still be alive and well if it weren't for greedy people. Lonesome George died on June 24th, 2012. Once famed for its massive migratory flocks that would darken the sky for days, the passenger pigeon was hunted to extinction in the early 1900s. Scientists call the Phorusrhacidae "terror birds," which should tell you all you need to know about these things. It's a squid! prehistoric dunkleosteus animals toptenz bizarre The opabinia traveled by waving its paddle-esque tentacles up and down; it had five protruding eyes and a proboscis mouth. for the fins for fin soup but then they throw them back into the ocean and they just die. Also, to anybody saying it was the hunters fault they all went extinct, it isn't all the hunters faults. I pray that no animal would get extinct but it is impossible but scientists are those who make impossible to possible.

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