10 ways to strengthen your faith in god

Thank you so much for sharing. Its really encouraging for me and I will surely share all of this. Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. I simply stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have truly loved browsing your weblog posts. Required fields are marked *. Shame is a heavy feeling that weighs you down and burdens you to the core. Have you ever felt distant from a friend or loved one, but you didnt know why? post, in my view its genuinely amazing in favor of me. All you need to do is trust Him again. Continue to be blessed. Thank you for the scripture and practical applications!!! May God bless you more and more. 6. Use these practical ways to strengthen in faith and jump start your spiritual growth today! Dont limit yourself, there is no right or wrong way to pray, God simply wants to hear from you. Also understand that its never an easy journey to strengthen your faith, and if you need a friend through this journey you can send me message on IG or FB any time. Psst check out how my favorite Bible study templates, The Quiet Time Toolkit, can make your take time in Gods Word meaningful, but practical. Some are willing to sacrifice time, jobs, and even resources to serve God by helping others. This simple prayer journal helped me pour out my heart to God and became a reminder of Gods faithfulness. Therefore, to truly exercise faith in our liveswe must live a prayerful life, constantly reaching out to God. Therefore, you can still rely on God, just like how the Bible heroes did. may many more Christians be like you.

We may distance ourselves from God, but He never distances himself from us. I would LOVE to connect with you! I recently wrote a post called Fearlessly Still, Until The Next Path, Proverbs 3 verses 5-6 were the main focus. Pray them over your life. I just want Himto know that I need Him and I want Him in my day. Weve done all that reading, studying, and note taking, now its time tostartusing our knowledge. The Bible contains many promises that can encourage you to keep trusting God through it all. Having faith in God starts with a conscious effort to put your trust in Him. You would realize that these people were as imperfect as we are, so you could relate and learn from many of them. Moreover, prayer allows you to exercise your faith since by genuinely talking to Him, you acknowledge that there is Someone unseen who listens to you. Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting? If youre not careful, a slow slide into Christian complacency can steal your joy and rob you of an intimate relationship with God.

As you marvel at the complexity and beauty of these natural phenomena, you would not help but wonder how there could be no intelligent Designer behind them. I love that you and your daughter read the Bible together. based information. Whether youre walking through a tough season of life or simply pondering some deep questions, like how to strengthen your faith, never be afraid to search for Gods truth. Some churches believe in tithing, which is giving 10% of your income to God. Let them see a role model for a God first life, let your actions draw peoplecloser toGod. I dont get very far in my reading daily doing this, but I know that Im truly leaning into His Word and applying it to my life. These words have boosted my faith again. I pray o be more encourage through this. Instead over time, one may drift away from God without realizing it. When youre ready to strengthen your faith, carve out time to be still in Gods presence. Its a great resource for someone who wants to learn more about Christianity or have a deeper understanding of the Bible. baggage My spouse and I absolutely love your blog and find many of your posts to be just what Im looking for. Common reasons God may feel distant, include: Unrepented sin: Have you ever tried to hide sin from God or run away because of deep rooted guilt? If wehave faith inGod, then we completely trust thatHe willprovide all provision needed. I write downverses I know I personally need to work on, and then intentionally start to applythemtomy life. I believe quality over quantity applies here. If you want to have strong faith in the Lord, ask Him to open your heart and let you see beyond what the natural eyes can see. I want to live a life of strong faith and I know you do too. Yet even when you dont see Him and you dont feel His presence, God is there, journeying with you through your tough times. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18.

Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2. I definitely will be following more of you. I wouldnt mind creating a post or elaborating on most of the subjects you write with regards to here. Every two weeks I, The perfect summer salad! We must begiving of our time, our talents, and our treasures. When I was ready to take steps to strengthen my faith, I started journaling my prayers and thoughts to God. Theres no reason to run from God when He will forgive you and welcome you back with open arms. What youre going through is hard, I pray that you can keep finding the ability to truth God completely. Yes, I said it. Its filled with Bible study tools (even for beginners!) God bless you . Thank you for taking the time to share this with me. Reading these 5 simple ways challenged me to be better each day. Jeremiah 29:13. Owner| Love & Grace Wellness 8. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am so happy I came across this, thank you . How to Save Your Soul According to the Bible? Also, a Christian community can encourage you in seasons of struggle and remind you of Gods truth in times of hardship. One day at a time, the goal isalways to be better than I was yesterday. Instead of avoiding Him or withholding my troubles, I learned it was best to bring my burdens before Him. Whenever you feel like quitting and hopeless, just look up to the heavens and believe God is in control. I find these verses full of guidance. Finding out how God is real in many lives and that He really listens to prayers will encourage you to trust Him all the more. So even if its been awhile, even years, open the lines of communication with Him through prayer and seek His face. Your email address will not be published. Each day becoming more like our Savior and less like the world. Again, awesome web log! Would you offer guest writers to write content available for you? However, thatwill neverstop me from praying with my whole heart. To strengthen my faith everyday, to renewed my spirit and walk along my faith as how grateful I am with God. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? How blessed are your friends and family. I just have to completely trust Him.. thank your for your article as it made me realize so many thins. Its important to be around people who both challenge you and reinforce your faith. Waiting can be hard sometimes, but He always makes it worth it. Gods Word has to be priority in our lives if we want to strengthen our faith. Ifwe want to exercise faith in our lives,we must let Gods instructions and commands be our guide. Come now, let us settle the matter, says theLord. Expressing your faith in your. Expressing your faith in your actionswill not only impact the lives of others in the name of Jesus, but will strengthen your faith in Him as well. Im in my waiting period and its getting difficult but I trust God to see me through. I dont have a special prayer closet or a prayer room. Lee, youre very welcome. Together they are a winning combo. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8. is another way to surrounded yourself with like-minded individuals. Obviously, no one is prefect, but we have to make a commitment to grow in our faith and commit to living God first lives. Trusting an unseen God could be difficult, especially for the to-see-is-to-believe kind of people. This was so on time for me. Mark 11:23 instructs us to pray without doubt in our hearts, andbelieve that what we say will happen. and the prayer resources to need to rekindle your faith. Thank you for your helpful advices. Am bennjamin from Uganda, East Africa, Wow this was very helpful thank you so much when i saw it for the first time I thought it was meant for me and it truly is thank you so much this was amazing, This is all we need now to strengthen our Faith In God May all of us seen what Gods message for us in this pandemic situation that He is just waiting for us to accept Him as our only Hope and Savior lets TRUST GOD completely. Sometimes I have a verse that Im taken with and it becomes a focus for me. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. While it can be tempting to run and hide from God, you can trust Jesus blood shed on the cross was enough to wash away even your deepest missteps. I know that every prayer I pray is heard. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Super Simple & Only 5 Ingredient, Ive said a million negative things about my bod, I don't have an office space yet, but when I do th, I believe this with my whole heart. That is how I came across your website because I need to strengthen my faith in God and you provided some tools to help me. This is where index cards come in handy when studying scriptures. Thank you for this article. Look at nature around youthe sky, clouds, trees, mountains, flowers, the beach, and even the beautiful birds or fish. Leading women into happy & healthy lives they love! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4. Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers According to the Bible, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God Member Book [Revised], Fasting: Opening the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God, Strengthen Yourself in the Lord: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life, 30 Cute and Sweet Love Quotes for the Hopeless Romantic, 11 Ways to Deal with Someone Who is Emotionally Unavailable, How to Know if a Girl likes you: 19 Hopeful Signs, 16 Signs And Weapons of Spiritual Warfare, Bible Verses About Thanksgiving and Gratitude (KJV), Bible Verses About Changing Yourself For The Better (KJV), 21 Terrific Ways to Make Him Obsessed with You, 21 Heartbreaking Signs He Wants You to Leave Him Alone, Bible Verses for Relationship Problems (KJV). They are believers who remain optimistic despite troubles and find their strength through praying. Its okay to ask God to intervene in our lives, and ask Him for theprovisions we need. I so happy God used this post to help you! We should be joyful people, whodont spend our days complaining. Talk to Him, no pressure, just talk. You are the light of the world, so shine bright my darling friend. However, having a solid faith in God has helped many people survive through the darkest moments of their lives. We are tobe encouraging, and build one another up. When you live your lifesearching for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it helps your relationship with the Lord. When you, searching for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it helps your relationship with the Lord. We should practicethankfulness and be forgiving. Finally, dont beat yourself up for wrestling in your faith or your relationship with God. We must know the Word of God! When God feels distant, often its not one specific event that occurred or anything major that has happened. I believe that God has led me to a season in my life where I am to truly trust Him, and let Him take the lead. More awesomeness from you! Thank you so much for this very helpful tips in strengthen and trusting God more. Learn how to pray a variety of prayer strategies or prayer methods to help you have a deeper prayer life. Thankyou So Much Av Found It Inspirering And Has Lightened Me Up.May God Bless You. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Whatever your belief is, make it a habit to honor God with your resources. In Gods Word we will find strength, hope, love, peace, and joy. If you long to strengthen your faith in God, here are some steps that can hopefully help you. This blog post couldnt be written any better! Thank you so much i really needed it,may the good Lord continue to speak through you so that you may continue to inspire and be a blessing to bless people like me. Life is a gift from God, and He calls us to live faith in action. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4.

Its really that simple. Instead, He invites us into a personal relationship with Him, where true communication is always accepted. . There have been seasons in which my relationship with God have felt dull and stale.

This powerful book by John R. Cross will help you get to know the Bible and help you understand how the Bible fits together as a whole. We are tobe loving and caring towards each other. Yet God doesnt expect you to clean yourself up or want a polished version of you. Your email address will not be published. Id like to say thanks too. I will change. It can be the same with your relationship with God. It makes Bible study simple and practical, even if youve never read the Bible before. A mentor or a Bible study group is a wonderful resource for asking questions and keeping your accountable in your Christian walk. im really touched by the message ,it felt like God was talking through me all again. Now that youve explored some practical ways to strengthen your relationship with God, these resources will guide your next steps. None of these videos and/or books can replace the Gods Word. Keep praying and seeking Him, all the while trusting that. Thanks and God bless you. Thank you, Jennifer, for an amazing guide to strengthen our faith and grow like Jesus grew up Luke 2: 52 . Do you know someone who would be encouraged by this Blog Post? Thank you for sharing. To tell the truth my spirit is been down for some time now,just feel like im too distance with God lately , not praying like i used too before but after i read this it gave me hope again.

Im so proud of you for making the decision to walk with God and declare your faith! His faithfulness will continue even in the future. And thank you for the verse, such a good reminder and encouragement. Draw near to Him and take comfort in the promise of eternity in His perfect presence. Wife&Mama IIN Certified Health Coach Its a common problem that many Christians face over time. Replace worry and fear with confidence in the Lord. Although I havent heard any good news for a while now, it might be a good idea to find a nearby Christian church that I can visit whenever Im doubtful of His existence. Instead, He invites you to come as you are and let the grace of Jesus wash you clean. As you see how God transforms you for the better, you can really say that His Word is alive, and it comes with the power to change, heal, and bring blessings to those who follow it. Please share!

Its commanded inProverbs 3:5, but herewe see Jesuscommanding it again. I really love how it is simple on my eyes and the data are well written. Pretty nice post. When I feel the urge to speakwith God I do! I know it sounds really simple, but God already knows all my needs, and honestly He probably knows them even better than I do. For me that can be difficult, but I try to rememberwhat Jeremiah 29:11 promises, God wants to prosper us and not harm us. It will also inspire you to fight every battle on your knees. I think some of my best conversations with God happen over hot soapy dish water. I pray God gives you the strength to hold your head up high every single day. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! May you share more good things in the future. Even though I know and I believed that God is always with me I rarely practiced or show how devoted I am to him because I might be judge that people wont believe in me. Finally, dont beat yourself up for wrestling in your faith or your relationship with God. Questioning and searching for truth are a natural part of a Christian walk, and God invites you to bring your questions before Him. Our broken family the miserable life Id been. I do however have a silent kitchen at 5:15am every morning. It really lightened up my day.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewingofyourmind. It was as if God showed me through your post a better way of understanding His heart and how to worship Him more intensely. Its my prayer that your faith grows stronger every day. Another thought that can keep your faith alive is the truth that God is the same throughout time. Greetings, Ive been following your web site for a while now and finally got the Trust me, the more you practicing being still before God and truly listening to Him, the more youll want to spend time with Him! I promised myself to be a better person each day. Over the years, Ive brought my share of questions and concerns to God. Theres no arguing this, Both! 10. Have faith in God, have complete trust and complete confidence. Practical application: Fully trusting in God is very hard. Like you mean it! Hes still close to you my friend. Ive made a rule for myself, and this might sound silly, but until Ive read for 30 minutes a day no Pinterest, no Facebook, and no T.V. (Thankfully!). When something I read speaks to me or tugs on my heart, I write it down. Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.. I think the admin of this website is actually working hard in favor of his site, because here every material is quality Let uswork on these 5 simple ways to strengthen our faith together! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). I was once living a life with full of hatred and grudges about my past. Just wanted to tell you keep up the great job! Knowing Gods Word goes hand in hand with trusting God and praying. You may wish to use a free Bible reading plan to help you know what to read or where to start. Hello friends, how is the whole thing, and what you wish for to say regarding this In doing so we will strengthen our faith greatly. All I wanted is to change and forget all my wrong doings, my bad attitude and I want to become a new person but sometimes its hard and didnt know where to start. Thank you for writing an awesome and amazing article. In Gods Word we will find strength, hope, love, peace, and joy. Ask and it will be given to you;seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Keep telling yourself that God got your back and He knows your needs. Your email address will not be published. Welcome! The more you pray and fellowship with God, the more natural youll feel talking with Him all day long. If youre battling one of these situations, there is hope and you dont have to stay stuck! 3. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. If God could answer your prayers, protect you from harm, and make things happen for your good before, surely He can still do them now. Prophetic School And Hearing The Voice of God, How to Strengthen Your Relationship With God. Practical application: I start with a prayer just asking that God would speak to me through His Word, giving me the knowledge to understand what He is laying on my heart.

My darling friend, this is so hard for me. 15 Signs God Will Answer Your Prayers According to the Bible, 12 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship With God, 10 Must-Read Books about Finding Faith in God. It is not enough that we proclaim that we believe in God or Jesus. Faith Filled Encouragement and Inspiration For Everyday Life. Study the lives of Biblical characters. It calls us to act in great faith daily, but think about how great life could be ifwe lived without worry, stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt.

If you want to be on fire for God, be surrounded by believers who have strong faith in the Lord. Im glad He used me to help you discover these things. I most certainly will forward this post to him. In doing so our faith will grow stronger and stronger as we see Him lead us in the directions we are truly meant to go. Hi there! We need His Word inside, in our minds and in our hearts. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lords people. Thank you so much for this. If you subscribe these will be delivered directly to your Email!! However, other churches just encourage their members to give according to what is in their hearts. Please send me some more points for my Sermon FAITH And it starts in here!! The times where Ive wrestled with God the most, my faith has come away refined and stronger than ever before. While you may need to implement tangible and practical steps to strengthen your faith, pursuing a deeper relationship with Him is well worth it! Smiling actually makes, Black Bean Salad Learn how your comment data is processed. I understand that every prayer I pray may not be answered in the way I want or the time frame I would like. Keep up the great work! Start your day with morning prayer and try to establish one other time to pray. Thanks for stopping by! We will also find promises of provision, and instructions to keep us away from sin and rebuke the devil. Daily prayerwillinvite God into our livesand helpus establish a deeper trust. Above all remember to love God and love people. I pray but sometimes find myself not. Also for my spiritual life to grow more and more in His Faith. Dont wait for, I'm 32 days into an 80-day program and the I have, How We Can End 2021 With Strength & Purpose, 5 Tips To Easily Boost Your Immunity & Overall Health. Pray them over your life. will not only impact the lives of others in the name of Jesus, but will strengthen your faith in Him as well. What a blessing. Spending time at aChristian retreat center is another way to surrounded yourself with like-minded individuals. Not only do we trust Him to provide provision, but we are completely confident that He will provide us with an abundant life as well! We will also find promises of provision, and instructions to keep us away from sin and rebuke the devil. Your blog hit home on several levels so thank you for allowing yourself to be used by what he guided you to do the I crease your faith. Read Ephesians 6:10-17 and know that you have The Amour of God, what can possibly come against you. Read Matthew 17:20, and then believe that faith can move mountains. I have been wondering where to move next, but taking the time to hold my peace has been a blessing. Complacency: Has your faith ever felt stale or just too comfortable, like youre going through the motions? It is also best if you memorize them so you can recite them to yourself whenever you are down. Appreciate Gods marvelous creations. Quantrilla, Im so glad you found this post encouraging. Ifwe have faith in God feelings of worry, stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt should never surface. He has called me to be still, instead of blazing forward trying to make my own paths. May He also bless you sweet friend! Spread light, not darkness. Rejoice always, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. By doing so youarehelping spread His Light to others . Practical application: I think our world would be a better place if the people who claim to be Christians actually acted like Christians. Required fields are marked *. Knowing Gods Word goes hand in hand with trusting God and praying. Thats why its crucial that believers of Christ guard their heart and renew their minds with promises of God. I like how you are able to pull the great things from the Bible that help in everyday life. Reading them over and over again whenever you are discouraged will remind you that prayer works. Ive subscribed to your RSS which must do the trick! Practical application: Startevery day with prayer! Good blog! I am wondering how I could be notified when a new post has been made. Therefore, no need to worry or fear anything. . I really appreciate this Post. how to pray a variety of prayer strategies. Hardship or tragedy: When youre walking through a season of hardship, you may be overwhelmed with sorrow and struggling to make sense of life. this information, you can help them greatly. Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! I understandthis statement isincredibly blunt, but its honestly how I feel. I really feel like I lost my way the last 6 years of my life. Thank you for this.. 11. If youre ready to take your first steps to a better Bible study or deeper prayer life, this spiritual growth resource will lead your way.

Wishing you the very best. I am going through a really touch time in my marriage and its a struggle and i dont know what to do. Pray like God is in the room sitting right beside you. A powerful way to get to know the heart of God is byexploring and reading His Word. He wants to hear our voices, and He wants a personal relationship with each and everyone of us. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Meeting new friends with the same beliefs can be a blessing for spiritual growth, too. A great deal are forpeople, I love to pray for people. Im going to apply these versestofive differentareasof my life tostrengthenmyfaith and I would like to encourage you to do the same! Having people around you with the same Christian beliefs can be a great way to help strengthen your faith. Overall, your answered prayer journal will be proof that the God you believe in is alive and able. But thank you, Yolz, you are very welcome. Have a great day! Wake up each day with the intention to be good and do good. He always kept talking about this. Im going deliver Sermon on Faith, hence it is very useful for me. Read His promises, and then have great faith in God, that they will come to pass. What do you do while your standing still, waiting for God to move. Read Philippians 4:19 and have faith that God will supply all your needs. Thank you so much , am encouraged and I believe if I put this in to practice, I will be able to strengthen my relationship and faith in God.

B/c honestly, For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for, Yogurt Bark Connecting is so important in forming Godly relationships! You willseekmeand findme, when youseekmewith all your heart. Start small and try meeting with God every day for 5 or 10 minutes. 9. Just as with any relationship, your relationship with God requires spending time together to flourish. Keep praying and seeking Him, all the while trusting thatHe will be faithful to guide your path and show you the way. I am seeing Gods hand move like never before. However, it wasnt until I realized that the answer was right in front of me, the bible. It is one way of acknowledging that everything you have is from God, and when you give back to Him, you should not feel bad because you know it will be given back to you. Its okay to lift up our every need to God. As they say, you need to step out in faith to overcome your fear. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. It may seem absurd to the unbelievers, but those who have experienced Gods miracles and grace would not be ashamed to say that their God is real and powerful. Like and follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. My girls and I do the same thing! Be still and believe that God is in control. You will recognize these people through their words, actions, and lifestyle. If youve never read the Bible on your own, you dont have to be intimidated. Thank you very much for this inspiring words, its so timely. Have you heard the saying a verse a day keeps the devil away? Its a start, if youre not exercising your faith in this area, start small, then let God lead you from there. Meeting new friends with the same beliefs can be a blessing for spiritual growth, too. Some of the famous Bible characters who exhibited wholehearted faith in God were Noah, Abraham, David, Esther, and Apostle Paul.

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