if your marine toilet has a y quizlet

Stop and permit the officer to come alongside.

When can a Navigation Rule be overlooked? Try to kedge your boat off the obstruction.

Display only when immediate or potential danger exists.

Avoid running through sea grass beds, Minimum Approach distance for Sea Turtles, Minimum Approach distance for Dolphins, porpoises, & seals, Minimum Approach distance for North Atlantic right whales, Minimum Approach distance for other large whales. EQ-4 What must you do if you see another vessel's red and white lights off your starboard bow? What happens to the PWC when the throttle is released?

Which type of fire extinguisher should be onboard a vessel with a permanently installed fuel tank?

Every person aboard a personal watercraft is required to wear what in Virginia?

Type III MSDs must be pumped ashore at a proper facility. Be Careful not to remove or destory this number.

When the grounded vessel or crew are in immediate danger. These introduced organisms can cause serious problems.

It is recommended that you keep the plan in your onboard ships papers. Military craft, commercial vessels, fishing vessels then pleasure craft, BA-11 When passing through a lock, which light means "approach the lock under full control?". is a holding tank or similar device with a Y valve. A serious condition that requires medical attention as a result of cold water immersion.

According to the Navigation Rules, what is the give-way vessel's responsibility?

In washington, where can you get a boat trailer registration?

What should you do if your boat capsizes?

There may be a "Y" valve that directs untreated waste material for discharge or directs waste material for treatment prior to discharge.

Ride on top of the water regardless of the weight of the boat. Which of the following is required to have a backfire flame arrestor? Most boats with this hull type will have a keel, chines, or stabilizers, as the round form will often roll with the waves, and tends to make everyone sea sick during rough weather, Cathedral hulls are two or more hulls attached closely together. Where must registration numbers be displayed?

Not only do they crowd out native plants and animals, they affect humans by degrading boating, swimming, and fishing areas.

What is another hazard associated with raising a ladder and having it hit something, other than the electrical hazard of it hitting power lines?

Which of the following is a requirement for PFDs?

What should you do if your small open boat capsizes? When approaching a mooring buoy, which of the following should you do? Which action may cause the loss of steering ability in a PWC?

Try to kedge your boat off the obstruction.

Put the tank on the dock or shore to fill it.

In Virginia, boaters with blood alcohol content (BAC) over what percent are considered Operating Under the Influence (OUI)? What should you do to aviod capsizing or swamping? Approach slowly, so as not to run over the mooring line or buoy.

Where must registration numbers be displayed? Typically intended for use in clam waters such as ponds, small lakes, and slow rivers, they do not handle well in choppy or rough water, especially at planing speeds. You must submit a written accident report to the Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries if damage to property exceeds how much?

Which of the following is not considered a deadly consequence of teak surfing or platform dragging?

In Virginia, a person must be how old to legally operate a PWC?

When onboard and facing the front of a boat, where is the stern?

All U.S. boats (commercial and recreational) must now comply with these changes.All boats 26 ft or more in length must have garbage and oil discharge placards prominently posted to remind you and your crew what can be thrown overboard and what can't. More than an eyesore, trash in the ocean is one of the world's largest pollution problems.

To legally dispose of sewage boaters must either have an onboard treatment device (Type I or Type II MSD) or a holding tank (Type III MSD) to hold the waste and have it pumped out ashore.All installed MSDs must be US Coast Guard certified and have a "Y" valve in proper positioning! most urgent response.

In areas designated as No Discharge Zones, you are prohibited from discharging even treated sewage, such as with a Type 1 or 2 MSD.The primary environmental concern with your sewage is not the urine (which is basically sterile), but the feces. How often should the inflator on a Type V PFD be checked? Which statement is FALSE.

BE-28 When is the best time for cleaning your boat to stop the spread of aquatic nuisance species?

do not exceed any of the recommended limits on the capacity plate.

Sewage or any water containing human waste. Violations may result in civil penalties up to $25,000, a fine of up to $50,000 and/or a prison sentence of up to 5 years!

What does an automatic cut-off lanyard do when properly attached to a PWC operator? If you have an oily or saturated absorbant pad after refueling at a marine dock, what is the best thing to do with it? Which of the following is a symptom of hypothermia?

Be certain that the Y valve is secured in the closed position. This is a requirement for all mechanically powered recreational vessels regardless of state. What test can be performed to detect a leak after fueling a gasoline-powered boat? What hidden and potentially deadly danger exists when teak surfing or platform dragging? A garbage dumping placard must be prominently posted on boats longer than what size?

Florida law prohibits littering in any freshwater lake, river, canal, or stream or tidal or coastal water of the state, including canals. What must be done with the vessel's registration paper? Which of the following is required on federally-controlled waters for boats less than 39.4 feet? If your inboard/outboard boat runs aground, what action should you take in addition to shifting the weight away from the point of impact?

Round bottom boats almost glide through the water. A boat operating in a narrow channel is required to keep safely close to what side of the channel?

Use these helpful reminders to aid you in avoiding water that is too shallow. When returning from sea, a red navigational buoy should be passed in what manner?

When not below deck or in an enclosed cabin, children under what age must wear PFDs when boating in Virginia?

Which type of hose stream is produced from a smooth bore nozzle.

TP-14 Which of the following is a sign that the weather may change for the worse?

* Until U.S. regulations are updated to reflect the new garbage discharge requirements and placards are readily available, U.S. flagged ships operating exclusively in U.S. waters may continue to use existing placards. White lights can sometimes be found on what kind of buoys? Flares are rated for day, night or combined day/night use.

When dealing with hazardous chemicals such as thinners and paint, what is the best place to get information on how to safely handle the product? TP-19 Which of the following is recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?

Get flotation to the person and assign a spotter, A serious condition that requires medical attention as a result of cold water immersion. The "Y" valve must be secured to direct waste to the MSD.All installed devices must be U. S. Coast Guard-certified.All vessels 26 feet or more in length which have an enclosed cabin with sleeping facilities, must be equipped with a toilet if on Florida state waters. When is the best time for cleaning your boat to stop the spread of aquatic nuisance species? They should be passed on your starboard side when going upstream.

The number needs spaces or hyphens between numerals and letters, for example: ST 1234 AB or ST-1234-AB. A dive boat that is restricted in its ability to maneuver.

distribute your load evenly, keep your weight low, and avoid abrupt changes in distribution. The flatter the bottom, the easier it is to get on plane. How often should the inflator on a Type V PFD be checked?

The U.S. Coast Guard considers personal watercraft what kind of boat? This number is usually located on the upper right portion of the vessel's transom.

The danger of hypothermia is greatest for a person in which situation?

What is the major cause of fatalities involving small boats? They are an essential nursery habitat for many species of fish and add oxygen to the surrounding water. The idea behind federal regulations concerning sewage on boats is to keep untreated sewage out of our inland and coastal waters, so we don't have to swim in it or drink it.In most inland and coastal waters, boats with installed toilets are required to have a sanitation system on board in order to control pollution.

Tunnel hulls are gaining in popularity, as they offer many of the benefits of other hull designs, such as stability, speed, and roominess with few of the drawbacks.

Pick a reference point on shore to gauge if you are dragging. What does a regulatory buoy with a diamond symbol indicate? It's important to remember to always CLEAN, DRAIN and DRY you boat, trailer and equipment before you leave the launch area at the end of the day.CLEAN. The number indicates the boat manufacturer, its serial number, and the month and year of production.

keep it aboard the boat when in operation, which of these foods is rich in carbohydrates, 4.

What must you do when anchoring at night?

The "Y" valve must be secured to direct waste to the MSD.Type I MSDs are for vessels over 26 feet and under 65 feet and use a combination of maceration and chemical treatment to kill bacteria just prior to discharge. A collision could occur when the distance decreases and bearing between two vessels does what? Make sure all aboard are wearing USCG-approved PFDs, U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center, Report it to the U.S. Coast Guard National Response Center. A twin-screw vessel with a single rudder is making headway. Most long range cruising boats such as trawlers and sailboats use this type of hull. What does a boat's capacity plate indicate?

Where should non-essential passengers stand during the fueling process? Be careful not to remove or destroy this number, It is designed to ride on top of the water, The maximum number of persons and weight the boat should carry.

When are lights required to be installed on a trailer? What should you do when fueling an outboard boat with a portable tank? Which of the following must you do when anchoring at night? Which statement is true about red buoys under the Inland Rules? According to the Navigation Rules, what factor should be considered in determining a safe speed? You are about to be passed and should maintain course and speed. Velocity of one nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour, must be affixed on forward portion of both port and starboard side, Numbers should be block letters instead of script. It also threatens economies based on tourism and fisheries. Head into the waves at a slight angle and reduce speed. What should sportsman always consider when hunting from a boat?

V-hulls are designed to operate at high speeds and to cut through rough water, which provides a smoother ride than flat-bottom or round bottom boats but, are not as efficient and need larger engines to move at similar speeds.

If you see a red, a green, and a white light on another boat, what does this tell you? When approaching a mooring buoy, which of the following should you do?

Keep it aboard the boat when in operation. What is the purpose of filing a float plan? Type III MSDs will typically have a built in holding tank with no external plumbing and cannot be pumped overboard.

The vast majority of the boats sold today have a variation of the V-hull.

Because they are considered a Class A motor Vessel.

While as much as 80 percent of marine debris comes from land-based activities, as boaters we need to do our part to keep our waters clean.

Carbon Monoxide can overcome participants. The maximum number of persons and weight the boat should carry. An operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condition, statement, etc., which if not strictly observed, could result in damage to, or destruction of equipment or loss of mission effectiveness.

They must be properly sized for the intended wearer. Why is it important to follow the simple Clean Dry Drain routine before moving your boat from the boat ramp at the end of the day?

Which of the following indicates scuba diving or snorkeling activity?

There is no wind or current.

Which is a recommended water-skiing safety practice? What can you do to help prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species?

Throwing the anchor as far away from the boat as possible and backing up.

Half-hour before sunrise to half-hour after sunset.

What should you do if your boat capsizes?

Any packaging material used for protecting the product such as packing foam or pallets. Human feces contains bacteria, pathogens, and nutrients.

SB-50 On a recreational boat, the location of emergency equipment (life jackets, fire extinguishers, visual distress signals, radio, etc.)

What should you do when operating a boat in large waves and high wind?

A yellow buoy may mark which of the following?

Aquatic invasive species, sometimes called aquatic nuisance species or ANS are plants and animals that are not native to a waterbody. When you see a catamaran, you are looking at a tunnel hull.

This combination of hulls allows for much more stability than what is found in other hull forms.

Which of the following is considered a safe refueling practice? Unless it's essential, why should you not usually attempt to remove their helmet?

The color needs to contrast with the hull color. Underwater plants and grasses are vital to waterway health: they provide oxygen, food, and shelter. Sewage regulations are some of the most misunderstood boating laws.

A cathedral hull allows a boat to do what?

When absolutely necessary to avoid a collision, A date and time to contact the authorities.

Which of the following is recommended when docking your boat? Florida Registration All vessels operated, used, or stored on the waters of Florida must be registered unless they are: If your boat has an installed toilet by law you must have a Marine Sanitation Device (MSD).

Be certain that the Y valve is secured in the closed position. Which of the following is true about the use of alcohol while boating?

It is against the law to operate a vessel while intoxicated.

What is the USCG-approved meaning of "serviceable condition" for PFDs?

Which of the following is true of a carburetor backfire flame arrestor? What is a characteristic of a catamaran hull? Which of the following is a characteristic of an overloaded boat? Sanitation systems consist of an installed head (toilet), a waste-treating device (MSD), and/or a holding tank.MARINE SANITATION DEVICESIf you have a recreational vessel with installed toilet facilities, it must have an operable marine sanitation device (MSD) onboard.The types of MSDs are:Type III MSD, the simplest and most common, consists of holding tanks or portable toilets.

While it is not a federal violation for a boat owner to exceed the listed capacities.

Displace or move an amount of water equal to the weight of the boat. Only law enforcement vessels, certain goverment agency vessels, and military vessels are exempt from typical registration requirements. plate on the inside of the vessel that displays maximum weight capacity and horsepower rating, mounted where you can see it when preparing to get under way, on the inside transom or next to the helm station. USCG regulations require that a 14 foot powerboat carry which of the following items between sunset and sunrise? Type I and II MSDs must have a "Y" valve secured to allow for waste to enter a proper on board holding tank for future drainage at a pump-out station.

Displacement hulls are very efficient.

Where onboard a boat is the transom located? When at the marina fuel dock or gas station: Under federal law, it is illegal to toss ANY garbage from a boat while you are anywhere in lakes, rivers, bays, sounds, and offshore in the ocean less than 3 miles.There are also some "Special Areas" where the rules are a little different. What information is most important when passing near a lighthouse?

Can operate in virtually any seas, and tends to ride better than monohull boats.

Where should fire extinguishers be stored on a boat?

Gasoline and propane fumes are most likely to accumulate in what part of the boat?

When operating a boat near other boats or when entering a congested area, why should you watch your wake? Wash boat and trailer at the ramp after retrieving it. Be certain that the Y valve is secured in the closed position. Typically small open boats such as jon-boats. In the Navigation Rules, what must give-way boats do?

Type III MSDs have the least effect on the environment since the waste is to be discharged on shore into a local sewage treatment facility.Type II MSDs are required for vessels 65 feet and longer and use a combination of maceration, septic treatment and chemical treatment to kill bacteria just prior to discharge.

When returning to port from seaward and you see a red buoy, how should you respond?

When arriving at a navigation lock, what is the order of priority?

the forward portion of the hull; also known as the pointy end.

What is true of a No Discharge Zone or NDZ? In many states, trailers with a GVWR of 1,500 pounds or greater are required by law to have what equipment?

Hulls are essentially two deep-v hulls joined by a platform/cockpit area.

Which of the following must follow Navigation Rules for a powerboat?

what cell is responsible for platelet formation? State littering laws may also apply on your boating waters.

EQ-36 When paddling a canoe at night, which piece of equipment should be carried to help avoid a collision?

According to the Navigation Rules, which of the following is true?

can be found on boats up to 65 feet. When is the best time to clean your boat in order to stop the spread of aquatic nuisance species?

But because of their design, displacement hulls are restricted in their speed to the square root of their waterline length times 1.34. It can contain detergents, soap, and food wastes. When capsized and floating on your back in a swift river current, how should you position your feet?

To be clear, it is ILLEGAL to discharge UNTREATED sewage on inland waters and within 3 miles of shore.

Describe the actions of the additional safety team members listed below during a rescue where the victim is unresponsive and requires additional emergency care, strictly speaking, to weigh less in the northern hemisphere, you should move to a location farther.

When returning from sea, a green navigational buoy should be passed in what manner? If you see a steady white light it is most, List some of the main uses of a very high, Rank the following VHF radio calls in order, mayday-distress signal.

What must be done with the vessel's registration paper?

What is the purpose of the safety lanyard on a PWC? When capsized and floating on your back in a swift river current, how should you position your feet?

A motorcyclist is lying injured and unconscious.

Where onboard a boat are the gunwales located?

P-2 What is the safest thing to do for someone suspected of having hypothermia? What special care must you take with your hull identification number (HIN)?

What is the requirement for Coast Guard assistance when a vessel is aground? Which is the best precaution against carbon monoxide poisoning?

To shut off the engine if the operator falls overboard.

What is a requirement for fire extinguishers on a boat?

Lights must be on during periods of restricted visibility.

What action should be taken when nearing a bend in a narrow channel? Because round bottom boats are very efficient at moving through water, most cruising sail and power boats have rounded hulls.

Must be maintained in a fully charged usable condition.

Ask the fuel dock staff what to do with it in order to dispose properly. Put on a PFD and get into the HELP position.

But you must always keep plastic items onboard for later disposal ashore. To prevent collisions and accidents on the water. When someone falls overboard, what action should the skipper take?

Click here to view some sample waste management plans.Violations may result in civil penalties.

FloridaIn Florida it is unlawful to dump untreated raw sewage from any boat on public or private lands, or in waters of the state.

What should you always do when a person falls overboard? Which of the following is a sign that the weather may change for the worse?

What is the term for the disturbed water left behind as a boat moves through the water?

Here are a few tips to make onboard sewage management a little easier. It is designed to ride on top of the water.

Direct the extinguisher at the base of the flames using a sweeping motion. Tide tables contain which of the following?

your boat must be properly numbered, must have a current state registration decal, and your registration, or "certificate of number," must be aboard.

What is the proper procedure for using hand-held visual distress signal flares?

Prevents explosions on inboard gasoline engines.

If your marine toilet has a "Y" valve, what must you do in a No Discharge Zone? What is the primary purpose of the Navigation Rules?

TP-23 Which safety precaution should be taken first by a boat operator when boating in stormy weather?

Boats less than 20 feet powered with an inboard, outboard, or stern drive engine manufactured after November 1st, 1972 Must display a capacity plate defining the safe load limits. Which of the following will increase the effects of alcohol and drugs when boating?

In Virginia, when hailed by a marine patrol officer, what must you do? If pyrotechnic visual distress signals are used, how many must be onboard? Also, less power is needed to attain high speeds with a flatter hull. A yellow buoy may mark which of the following?

Under the Navigation Rules, in which situation is it OK to break the rules? The engines are full speed ahead.

must be on during periods of restricted visibility. These include the Wider Caribbean region which extends throughout the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. should be reviewed before departure with which persons? Under which conditions do most boating accidents occur?

BA-10 When arriving at a navigation lock, what is the order of priority?

A pumpout station offers what kind of service for boaters?

Deep "V" hulls operate best in what type of water conditions?

is waste water that comes from sinks, showers, and boat washing. If you have an oily or saturated absorbent pad after refueling at a marina fuel dock, what is the best thing to do with it?

To provide important information in case of an emergency. If grounded aboard a small powerboat, which is a method to help free yourself? When someone falls overboard, what action should the skipper take?

Placards can be found at your local boating retail store.Boats 40 ft and longer must also have a written waste management plan, stating how you deal with the collected waste onboard, who handles it, and where it is disposed.

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