snustad and simmons principles of genetics, 7th edition

We have also included discussions of the Human Genome Project, human gene mapping, genetic disorders, gene therapy, and genetic counseling throughout the text. Alternatively, they may wish to insert quantitative and population genetics between classical and molecular genetics. Please share with your friends, let's read it !!

:). Furthermore, we believe that the breadth and depth of coverage in the different areas of genetics classical, molecular, and populationmust be balanced, and that the ever-growing mass of information in genetics must be organized by a sturdybut flexible framework of key concepts. The printed text comprises 20 chapters. Content and Organization of the Seventh Edition. Principles of Genetics balances new information with foundational material. Four more chapters can be found on the companion website and within WileyPLUS; we have moved these chapters online to create a slimmer, more compact book that is suitable for most courses in genetics. Because of this interest, they find it easier to comprehend complex concepts when these concepts are illustrated with human examples. We emphasize that science is an ongoing process of observation, experimentation, and discovery. Many instructors prefer to present the topics in much the same way as we have, starting with classical genetics, progressing into molecular genetics, and finishing with quantitative and population genetics. However, the content has been sifted and winnowed to allow thoughtful updating.

We believe that it is important to involve students in discussions about these issues, and we hope that this textbook will provide students with the background to engage in such discussions thoughtfully. Experience has shown us that students are keenly interested in the genetics of their own species. We believe that an understanding of current advances in genetics and an appreciation for their practical significance must be based on a strong foundation. Copyright 2022 Direct Textbook. Coupons are deducted from the total price. As in previous editions, we have tried to create a text that can be adapted to different course formats. In selecting material to be included in this edition of Principles of Genetics, we have tried to be comprehensive but not encyclopedic. Step-by-step explanations of the answers to the Solve It problems are presented on the books web site, some in video format. Electronic devices to access and transmit information are ubiquitous; engaging new media are being developed; and in many colleges and universities, classrooms are being redesigned to incorporate active learning strategies. *Note: If book originally included a CD-rom or DVD they must be included or some buyback vendors will not offer the price listed here, We are committed to keeping your email address confidential. In this text, we have fleshed out the analytical nature of genetics in many waysin the development of principles in classical genetics, in the discussion of experiments in molecular genetics, and in the presentation of calculations in population genetics. If Direct Textbook price listed does not match the bookstores page please check to see if there is a coupon. Each chapter also has two examples of another feature, Solve It, to provide students with opportunities to test their understanding of concepts as they encounter them in the text. Issues such as genetic screening, DNA profiling, genetic engineering, cloning, stem cell research, and gene therapy have sparked vigorous debates about the social, legal, and ethical ramifications of genetics. Each chapter has two sets of worked-out problemsthe Basic Exercises section, which contains simple problems that illustrate basic genetic analysis, and the Testing Your Knowledge section, which contains more complex problems that integrate different concepts and techniques. The DNA of genomes, even large ones, can now be analyzed in great detail; the functions of individual genes can be studied with an impressive array of techniques; and organisms can be changed genetically by introducing alien or altered genes into their genomes. The science of genetics has been evolving rapidly. Genetics has always been a bit different from other disciplines in biology because of its heavy emphasis on problem solving. To focus on the scientific process by showing how scientific concepts develop from observation and experimentation. This edition of Principles of Genetics has been created to recognize these scientific and educational advances. Another section, Genomics on the Web, poses issues that can be investigated by going to the National Center for Biotechnology Information web site. Chapters 2124, which are on the companion website and within WileyPLUS, deal with the genetics of transposable elements, animal development, cancer, and evolution. Home Books Biology Principles of Genetics 7th Edition, Author: D. Peter Snustad and Michael J. Simmons. Throughout the book we have emphasized the integration of observational and experimental evidence with logical analysis in the development of key concepts. Consequently, we have used human examples to illustrate genetic principles wherever possible. A set of Questions and Problems follows the worked-out problems so that students can enhance their understanding of the concepts in the chapter and develop their analytical skills. Each chapter also has a Problem-Solving Skills feature, which poses a problem, lists the pertinent facts and concepts, and then analyzes the problem and presents a solution. iGenetics: A Molecular Approach (3rd Edition), Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (Hartwell, Genetics), Essential Genetics and Genomics 7th Edition, Genetics Essentials Concepts and Connections Fifth Edition. However this text is constructed so that teachers can present topics in different orders. Do you like this book? They may, for example, begin with basic molecular genetics (Chapters 913), then present classical genetics (Chapters 38), progress to more advanced topics in molecular genetics (Chapters 1418), and finish the course with quantitative and population genetics (Chapters 19 and 20). To focus on human genetics by incorporating human examples and showing the relevance of genetics to societal issues. It is possible that between the time you initially viewed a book on our site and you decided to buy it, it was sold to another customer. Chapters 12 introduce the science of genetics, basic features of cellular reproduction, and some of the model genetic organisms; Chapters 38 present the concepts of classical genetics and the basic procedures for the genetic analysis of microorganisms; Chapters 913 present the topics of molecular genetics, including DNA replication, transcription, translation, and mutation; Chapters 1416 cover more advanced topics in molecular genetics and genom-ics; Chapters 17and18 deal with the regulation of gene expression, and Chapters 19 and 20 present the concepts of quantitative and population genetics. In this section, students can learn how to use the vast repository of genetic information that is accessible via that web site, and they can apply that information to specific problems. Books are selling fast. The ways of teaching and learning genetics have also been changing. The organization of this edition of Principles of Genetics is similar to that of the previous edition. All rights reserved. In preparing this edition, we have been guided by four main goals: To focus on the basic principles of genetics by presenting the important concepts of classical, molecular, and population genetics carefully and thoroughly. To focus on developing critical thinking skills by emphasizing the analysis of experimental data and problems. Our book provides numerous examples to show how genetic principles have emerged from the work of different scientists.

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