prayer points for god to open my spiritual ears

There are many that look but only few see. Owners of evil load, hear the word of the Lord: carry your load by fire in the name of Jesus! In other words, prayer is essential to Christian living, because it is the key to unlocking the power of the word in our lives. If we are sanctified by the truth, and the word of God is truth, what should we do? This has thrown much light on how to pray for my dormant spiritual vision. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. No one can see these wonderful things for what they really are without Gods supernatural help. This is precisely what God wants to do for us. 9. Lay your hands upon your eyes now: Oh God arise and open my eyes in the name of Jesus!

And therefore we need to be a people of daily prayer that God would do whatever he must do to get the wonders of the word into our hearts and into our lives. And the servant said, Alas, my master! Thanks very much Jesus has located me my spiritual eyes can see am grateful, Thanks very much for the article am blessed my eyes are open in Jesus name, I believe God leads me to this site is very timely is s9 blessed.

But they are worth doing.

I decree by the authority of heaven that after completing this prayer guide, you will gain access to hearing Gods voice clearly in the name of Jesus and the grace to recognize that it is God who is speaking, I decree that God give it to you in the name of Jesus. Hes a prophet, so he can tell his king everythingeven what you say in your own room.. I pray that by your power, you will destroy every power and hindrance that is stopping me from hearing your voice crystal clear in the name of Jesus. If we consider Psalm 119:18 carefully we shall see that this one petition embodies five truths. Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law. The word law is Torah and means instruction or teaching in this psalm. God wants every one of His children to be victorious in Christian living and fruitful in Christian service, and He has made every provision for us to live for Him and to serve Him in this way. 23. Not one word did God ever speak to Abraham in the company of people. 17. Open my eyes to see that help is here!

I pray that our spiritual eyes will be opened in the name of Jesus! And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see. The great proof of Gods love is seen at Calvary, and when my eyes are opened to see the Lord Jesus dying there for me I cry out, the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20), and humbly say, My Lord and my God! (John 20:28). So it is a valid prayer for you to pray that God should open your eyes. but you cannot see without Gods supernatural work. There are wonderful things in Gods teaching to us. Let every enemy that has marked me down for destruction receive double disgrace in the name of Jesus! . You are divinely dissatisfied with your current position. Those are the keys I just want to give now before we begin to pray. Surround me with people whose eyesight and insight are sharper than mine! Lord, upgrade my spiritual gifts to be sensitive to your signals at all times. Everything gets old and worn and weak without re-awakening and renewal and restoration.

Mar 8:23 And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, Do you see anything? Read Philippians 2:5-11 and say to yourself, All this was for me!.

The eye of the mind. Yes! In fact, they are so wonderful that when you really see them, they change you profoundly and empower holiness and love and missions (2 Corinthians 3:18). where there is power it reads paper. Holy Spirit, make my spiritual visions clear and plain in Jesus name. Lord, open my spiritual ear to hear your voice from heaven. Yet to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to know, nor eyes to see, nor ears to hear. Notice: you have seen . So we must pray for God to incline our wills. But he led them to Samaria. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. 13. lead me closer to you. All sinners are fighting against God. May the hand of God be upon you to get your spiritual eyes widely opened in the name of Jesus! In every area of my life that I have been blind for years let your light shine and remove the darkness Thank you so much for a blessing prayer . 1. Lord, rain your power into all our churches and leaders in Jesus name. The second point in the text is that we are not able to see these wonderful things in the word for what they really are without Gods supernatural help. He lived in the spiritual and he lived in the physical. That God would teach us his word. Path ways will be provided in the wilderness of life when you have spiritual eyes. When youre spiritually blind, you get discomfort instead of comfort. Anything I have done wrongly that allowed the devil to block my spiritual eyes, let the blood of Jesus avail for me. That it would be established in our lives.

remind me all that is around me. A man who fasts, a man who prays, a man who seeks the face of God. There are three things that we learn from this verse. Be a man of fasting and prayer. My Father, please remove every form of log blocking my sight from making progress. It is important for us as believers to receive divine guidance because our decision will determine our destiny. 14. Psalm 119:133: Establish my footsteps in your word. We are dependent on the Lord not only for understanding and life, but for the performance of the word. I want to see You, I want to see You."[4]. Praise & Worship There will be revelation when you have spiritual eyes. Powers assigned to press down my head, scatter in the name of Jesus! How all-embracing is the love of God! From now, I shall not be confuse when God speak to me in the name of Jesus. Enoch walked with God, Noah walked with God, Abraham walked with God. "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, You have entered an incorrect email address! The word of God. Every arrow fired against my head, backfire in the name of Jesus!

Shout this ten ten times: Weapons formed against my health, die in the name of Jesus! Before Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O: Can you shout this loud and clear, louder than anyone around you: During Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O: Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You laugh while others are weeping because you can see things. Evil grip on my vision and dream be broken. Holy Spirit, make my spiritual visions clear and plain in Jesus name. Olukoya, MFM Devotional 12 December 2021 Joy: Fruit Of The Holy Spirit, MFM Daily Devotional 14 May 2020 The Midnight War, MFM DAILY DEVOTIONAL 17 FEBRUARY 2021 CHRISTS SECOND COMING: PROVING SCOFFERS WRONG (III), MFM Daily Devotional 14 August 2020 The Unexpected Knock, TREM Devotional 21 July 2022 God Has Lifted You, Prayer Points On Open Heavens 21 July 2022, Open Heaven For Teens 21 July 2022: Training The Mind, Seeds Of Destiny 21 July 2022: A Christian Also In Appearance, Open Heaven 21 July 2022 The Originator Of All Things. Then get on the track. those great signs and wonders [i.e., wonderful things].

Father, we admit that we don't really see all this. There are three ways in which we, as individuals, should pray. May our eyes of knowledge never grow dim! In Jesus Name amen. Let me not grow callous or blinded by lies. ), Which leads to the last point: if knowing and treasuring the truth of Gods word is crucial to being holy and loving and mature and heaven-bound, and if we by nature cannot see the wonders of Gods word and feel the attraction of its glory, then we are in a desperate condition and need to pray for God to help us see. Remove the log in your eyes Heres the way Moses wrote about this problem in Deuteronomy 29:24, And Moses summoned all Israel and said to them, You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt . Help us to see. 16. It was for Job (Job 40:4); for Isaiah (Isaiah 6:5); for the bride (Song of Songs 1:5-6); for David (Psalm 22:6); for Peter (Luke 5:8); for the Prodigal (Luke 15:21); and for Paul (Romans 7:14). Wherever the enemy is planning to destroy me expose their plans publicly Some people dont even believe that they also can hear from God. We are not naturally able to see spiritual beauty. Thanks. I pray that by the virtue of this prayer guide, your spiritual communication senses will be opened in the name of Jesus. as you did with the blind man, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every traitor that I have been carrying around for years expose, expel and expunge. How earnest should we be? ", GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT by Francis Dixon Scripture Reference: Psalm 119: 18, In this study we are to examine this prayer of David: Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Our object will be to see exactly what it tells us and then to suggest ways in which we should pray this prayer, for it is a prayer which should arise from our hearts every time we read Gods Word.

Thank God. Have you had this view of Christ crucified for you and Christ raised and exalted as your Saviour at the right hand of God? Many who open their eyes have their physical eyes working but the inner eyes are dead. 16. Arrows fired against my divine opportunities, backfire in the name of Jesus! By treasuring the word of God in our hearts. 2Ki 6:15 When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was all around the city. God bless your ministry.

Darkness will be defeated when you have spiritual eyes. This is the promise of God, I decree that the spirit of God will come upon you right now in the name of Jesus and the portal of revelation will open for your sake in the name of Jesus. If you neglect what God tells you will sanctify you and make you mature and strong and holy, then you will not be mature and strong and holy. How earnest was he in these kinds of prayers? Akpos is an internet enthusiast, who loves advancing Gods kingdom, and has a special interest in personal development. Father Lord, I always want to hear from you because I know that you speak all the time. Prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears tags:prayer points to open my spiritual eyes and ears pdf, open my eyes prayer points, prayer to open spiritual eyes and ears pdf, prayer for spiritual sight, open my spiritual eyes scripture, prayer for spiritual eyes and ears, prayer points for vision, types of spiritual eyes, prayer point on open my eyes oh lord, prayer points for spiritual power, prayer points against spiritual blindness, prayer points for spiritual empowerment, Powerful prayers to Destroy your enemies. 32. . Today, we are looking at a very very important topic which I call Open my eyes oh Lord. I bind spiritual deafness as from now on in Jesus name. Powers summoning me from the grave, die in the name of Jesus! He says, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you will know what is the hope of His calling .

Your progress starts when youre divinely dissatisfied. Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against you.. Paul described us like this in Ephesians 4:18 we are darkened in [our] understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in [us], because of the hardness of [our] heart.. #windofchange. Each time the kingdom of darkness is planning for my downfall EACH TIME they will fail! 3. Powers assigned to bite me without remnant, I disgrace you now in the name of Jesus!

So he asks God for this basic need. True learning of Gods word is only possible if God himself becomes the teacher in and through all other means of teaching. Amen, Amen and so shall it be. I want us to see this profound three-step truth: The word is crucial for living a Godward life that leads to heaven and has power and meaning on earth. So the eyes he was talking about is another kind of eyes entirely. O Lord, revive all my dormant spiritual gifts in Jesus name. Thats where the Syrian troops have set up camp. The glory of the word is like the shining of the sun in the face of blind man unless God opens our eyes to that glory. I decree, for every plan of hell against me, I will always be one step ahead. That God would incline our hearts to his word.

In the name of Jesus! Reading, meditating on, memorizing, and cherishing the word of God is Gods appointed way of overcoming sin and becoming a strong, godly, mature, loving, wise person. That God would give us life to keep his word. We know the story of the grace of God so well, which is declared in John 3:16. BLIND MAN WHO SAW MEN WALKING LIKE TREES He wants to reveal his love and his plan to us so that we can play a vital role in fulfilling his plan and help build his kingdom. As the servant had eyes but could not see the spiritual world, so the Syrians had eyes too but could not see the man was Elisha. Add your own prayer points. Do you ever read your Bible with this prayer on your lips and in your heart? I am so Bless with thise site the Holy Spirit lead me here thank you Lord. And these things I want for myself and for my children and for you. We need to renew our zeal for prayer and Bible mediation at the beginning of the year. But he led them to Samaria. Holy Ghost, overshadow the totality of my life in the name of Jesus! My Lord, open my eyes to know the secret about my home, marriage, health and business according to your word in Jer. Posted by Luckinson Akpos | Jun 26, 2020 | MFM | 0, Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. In any area that I have been losing the battle because of lack of help -Raise my hand and fight with me! And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.

May we not be distracted by the lies of the enemy that come to steal, kill, and destroy, but rather may we rely fully on Your Word as Truth. Heaven over my prosperity, heaven over my career, heaven over my business; open by fire in the name of Jesus! Humble me, Abba. Each time And he looked up and said, I see people, but they look like trees, walking. The point of teaching this and knowing this is to make us desperate for God and hungry for God, and to set us to pleading and crying out to God for his help in reading the Bible. The situation with many have become the more you look, the less you see.

2Ki 6:17 Then Elisha prayed and said, O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see. So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. I ask you to open my eyes

so that I may really see. First of all we learn that:-. . Psalm 119:88: Revive me according to your lovingkindness, so that I may keep the testimony of your mouth. He is aware that we need life and energy to give ourselves to the word and its obedience. Lord Jesus, 6. Those who we call the living dead (that are some people living among us, they are living but they are dead) that are living around us, they see with only with their physical eyes. The grace to know when you speak, the power to understand what you say, I pray that you will give it to me in the name of Jesus. There are wonderful things in the word of God.

8. Abba, we come before You to see. What they see will determine the way they see you and respond to you! What things should we pray to see? (On Point 2 see also: Matthew 16:17; 11:4; and Luke 24:45; 1 Corinthians 2:1416; John 3:68; Romans 8:58. Click this link to join Now, . He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what [is] in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him. 33: 3 in Jesus name. So many people wonder how people of God hear from God. 3.

So what then should we do this year? 14. In Luke 24:30-31, Jesus was walking with some people and He had to address them like this.In Revelation 3:17. He is author of.

In Jesus name !

There are wonderful things to be seen in the word of God that will transform you deeply if you really see them and treasure them in you. 4. Determination. The Lord Jesus has died and risen again to give us His own victorious life, and this life is imparted to us in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

You must find time to be alone with God. There are many watchers but few observers. Kindly drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. 7. 2. Every tongue of destruction assigned against me, catch fire in the name of Jesus! live a life worthy of such a high and glorious calling. PRAYER POINTS 7. 33: 3 in Jesus name. Every arrow of sorrow assigned against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus! I conclude that as we enter 1998 and long to be holy and loving and radically committed to Gods purpose in the city and the nations, we must be people who treasure the word in our hearts, but more people who know our desperate condition apart from God and that he has appointed prayer as the way that our eyes will be opened to see wonder in the word and so be changed. Although those physical soldiers were there, there are some spirits that are with them, and there were some spirits too with Elisha too. Lord, open my spiritual ear to hear your voice from heaven. You need to surrender your life to Jesus, you need to be born again. Be a bible addict. I want you to always speak to me, just like you speak to the Prophets of the old, the same way you people your sons and daughters of Zion who have shunned the world to follow you, I pray that you will speak to me clearly in the name of Jesus. May you have the miracles of open eyes in the name of Jesus! 8.

My Lord, open my eyes to know the secret about my home, marriage, health and business according to your word in Jer. In these days we are inclined to think that because of the progress man has made in so many areas, that our hearts are not so bad after all. We should begin here when we pray, for we were born in sin (Psalm 51:5); we have committed sin (Isaiah 53:6); and we only ever see ourselves and our sin as we look into Gods Word and He opens our eyes! Holy spirit, Please! The servant of Elisha could not see that they are protected so he was afraid. Every order that has been released to hurt me and my family member be cancelled in the name of Jesus! Because the Bible says God only respects truth and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth. Lord let the anointing to see the will and purpose of God for my Life fall upon me. eyes to grasp and see clearly things we haven't seen before, to grasp with a firm grip a new level of faith, to be filled to overflowing with your joy and your love and your presence. You will see this in Romans 6:12-14, Romans 8:37-39, Ephesians 4:31-32 and 2 Timothy 4:18. O Lord, revive all my dormant spiritual gifts in Jesus name. 20. What I need to see, What I need to know, What I need to observe show me!

When the Bible talks about eyes, there are three levels of sight: When youre spiritually blind, there will be trouble.

And Elisha said unto them, This is not the way, neither is this the city: follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom ye seek. 2Ki 6:12 None of us, Your Majesty, one of them answered.

As we begin 1998, Gods aim for us is that we be set on a two-railed train track in the direction of holiness and love and mission and heaven. 10. Every word that has been spoken to me that has made me believe I have no future delete them from my software, 2Ki 6:9 Each time, Elisha would send this warning to the king of Israel: Dont go near there. No, I do not say it is easy, especially when you are old. That is our plight. 8. When your spiritual vision is zero, instead of the dreams to become divine vision, they becomes an avenue to attack you when you lack revelation and youre spiritually ignorant. The powers and their human agent that has refused to back off me, THE NAME OF JESUS STOP! 15. But the physical realm is not all there is, for God himself is a spirit. A. O Lord, during this prayer program do a new work in my spiritual life.

I say it to the old and I say it to the parents of the young. O Lord, during this prayer program do a new work in my spiritual life. That is not negotiable. 17. Evil grip on my vision and dream be broken. Oh Lord, open my eyes that I may see spiritually what is going on around me in the name of Jesus! After now may you see clearly! Spiritual blindness beloved, is a disaster. 13.

Now read about Lots backsliding (Genesis 19:1-38), Achans deceitfulness (Joshua 7:19-23), Davids impurity (2 Samuel 11:1-27), Peters denial (Luke 22:54-62) and Diotrephes pride (3 John 9). But since our text is Psalm 119:18, Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law, we should let this psalmist show us how he prays more generally about his reading of the word of God. The Bible says the prince of this world blinded the heart of some people. This is the top priority. He called in his officers and asked, Which one of you has been telling the king of Israel our plans? Lord let the anointing to see the will and purpose of God for my Life fall upon me. 9. 24. In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prays this way. Plant the seeds of Your Light into our heart that we may shine brightly

12. Elisha would send this warning to the king of Israel Psalm 119:12: Teach me Your statutes. (See also verses 33, 64b, 66, 68b, 135). Lord Jesus, unlock my spiritual ear today in the name of Jesus. 17. Every march toward me to cause me pain be terminated! That God would establish our steps in his word. The truth is, God, speak all the time, it is the right of every man to stay alert all the time. Look back at verse 11, Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against you. How then are we to avoid sin in our lives? Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from your law. This verse combines prayer and the word, and we need to see how, so that we can combine them this way in our lives and in our church.

Father Lord, I come against every power of sin in my life. And when they came down to him, Elisha prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindness. You can send in your GOSPEL MUSIC, ARTICLES/MESSAGES to, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, TREM Devotional 26 June 2020 The Lord Is With You, Standing Before Kings And Great Men And Women (Part 4). Every sin that will stop me from hearing your voice Clearly, I pray that you will take it away in the name of Jesus. Their eyes were opened, and they saw Jesus as their Savior. 12. 13. These, then, are the three special prayers that we should always pray when we take up our Bible to read it. 31. Samuel did the voice of God, but he could not recognize that it was God who was speaking until Eli told him. Every good thing stolen from me, I recover you by fire in the name of Jesus! Open the eyes of my heart. as you did with the man who was deaf and dumb, Psalm 119:36: Incline my heart to your testimonies and not to [dishonest] gain. The great problem with us is not primarily our reason, but our will we are disinclined by nature to read and meditate and memorize the word. Every obstruction that is still blocking my sight remove it now! For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Lord Jesus, I pray that when you speak to be it will be clear, the grace for me to identify your voice, I pray that you give it to me in the name of Jesus.

How should we pray? Do not let me stray from You, Abba, but rather pull me in close to You each and every day. I shall arise and shine by the power in the blood of Jesus! Undue interference over my spiritual vision from the dark kingdom; be removed. We cannot do this on our own. 2Ki 6:18 And when the Syrians came down against him, Elisha prayed to the LORD and said, Please strike this people with blindness. So he struck them with blindness in accordance with the prayer of Elisha. spiritual prayers

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