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After Ochi suggested that they might need a more subtle approach, Vader ordered the assassin to go to the Assassin's Guild and tell them that they now served him. There they encountered Qi'ra and Margo, who were securing the necklace in the vault. [58], At around this time, Sab, former handmaiden of the late Naboo Queen and Senator Padm Amidala, traveled to Polis Massa after joining Crimson Dawn. They arrived and accused him of being Crimson Dawn, which he staunchly denied. As they took off in their shuttle, Vader mused that Bokku accepted betraying Jabba too easily and was already planning to betray him with the help of another group. Qi'ra had Vicrul release Cadeliah and return her to her seat, telling him that she was smart to have survived on the run with Nakano Lash and would therefore know not to do anything stupid. [41] Afterwards, Vader sent Ochi to Arkanis to gather more information on Crimson Dawn. But Valance recognized that he and the Revengers were really just being used as bait. Deathstick brought Cadeliah to Qi'ra, who told the girl that they were going to be good friends. She explained that she had people across the galaxy in the Empire, in every syndicate, in every significant corporation, on every major world, and in the Rebel Alliance who she had made loyal to her through many means and had just given them the same order: to create chaos for the Empire anywhere they could create it, destruction and disruption for the Empire. However, unbeknownst to her, Syphacc was under the forced employ of Crimson Dawn via Dengar, and so when T'onga reached out he offered the services of Dengar, telling her that the hunter had survived a visit to Crimson Dawn's fortress ship, the Vermillion.

She also told Organa that she and Crimson Dawn could be useful to the Rebellion, if they ever wanted their support.[40]. The Archivist learned that she had been saved and led to the cave by Yoda, and was moved by his empathy and desire to teach her instead of harm her, and inspired by the ideal of his connection to the light side of the Force. Ochi commented that he thought they were supposed to be going after Crimson Dawn, with Vader replying that the stormtroopers were Crimson Dawn. [33], As part of Qi'ra's contingency plan to get back Solo from Boba Fett, Deva Lompop, a legendary bounty hunter now under direct employ of Crimson Dawn, hired human cyborg engineer RB-919 to find and rebuild the bounty hunter droid IG-88. Qi'ra, Margo, and Trinia have meetings with Lord Gyuti, the Pyke Syndicate, and Toren, respectively. Crimson Dawn and Imperial forces battle on Oro Sankeria. The other items were several fake Kitel Phard vases, 50 kg of low-grade spice in Weequay religious spherical objects, disassembled HK-model gladiator droids bearing Grakkus medallions, and two mummified Tuk'ata specimens. [61], Meanwhile, bounty hunter T'onga was contacted by a bounty dealer named Syphacc, who was an old friend of hers. Palpatine understood from this that she must have studied ways to fight Force wielders, but Vader also revealed that she had tactics and techniques that reminded him of Palpatine's.

Vader departed from Laecor in an Imperial shuttle, and ZED-6-7 managed to access the shuttle's system, discovering that Vader was heading to Coruscant, which proved to Sab that Vader fell for her fake list. When the Star Destroyer Tarkin's Will arrived and the base was attacked, Deathstick used the chaos to capture Cadeliah. From shop ComicSandwiches, $475.00 Folsomn tried to stab Tagge, to which Tagge told her that if Crimson Dawn truly cared about her, they wouldn't have sent Folsomn to kill Tagge. Ochi traveled to Coruscant level 2685 to meet a merchant named Zlarb who he bought many special poisons with extremely precise timing, including Ziroxin-12, Cyanoxis D-570, and Yurfloo, and put it on Crimson Dawn's tab. After they joined the Collective, Crimson Dawn participated in the taking of Mandalore.

(30% off), Sale Price $164.49 He told them that she had a plan, resources, and managed to get them a full layout of the Fortress and a comprehensive rundown on its security. First Light[5]Dathomir[2]Vermillion[3] Ad from shop NerdyVille

(30% off), ad by Infinity3DPrints Then Vader suddenly grabbed Ochi and dropped him out of the ship. Qi'ra plotted to use it in order to set the stage for the defeat of Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader. I would kind of like to replace the "body" section with a Saberforge part so I can make use of belt clips. From shop BirdArtBulgaria, $139.11 (30% off), Sale Price $342.99 These are third party technologies used for things like interest based Etsy ads. After the droid revealed to the former handmaiden that Padm had a child with Anakin Skywalker, and revealed the child was Luke Skywalker, the rebel hero who blew up the Death Star, Sab expressed that she had joined Crimson Dawn to kill Vader, but she could possibly use the Sith Lord instead. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Palpatine expressed his belief that Crimson Dawn had not only caused the Syndicate War but the other recent events too, and believed so because he had other sources on Crimson Dawn other than the Imperial Security Bureau.

The Besalisk Dexter Jettster eventually discovered Crimson Dawn's ore hub. After Ochi confirmed with the assassins that no one outside of the people in the room knew of Qi'ra's imprisonment, he proceeded to kill them all, free Qi'ra, and redeclare his allegiance to Crimson Dawn. When Vader told her she was owed nothing, Qi'ra asked him if the Empire was too poor or cheap to pay its debts. Crimson Dawn had contacts they could only dream of, and offered to help with finding secrets out or having discreet deaths. [42], Later, Administrator Sly Moore told Vader that if he wanted to kill Skywalker he needed to get Solo from Crimson Dawn's auction. [29], As Crimson Dawn slowly began to grow again, the organization eventually achieved a new headquarters in the form of the fortress-flagship the Vermillion. Qi'ra followed his instructions and abandoned Solo. Organa then asked Qi'ra why she was telling them all this and what she wanted from them. IG-88 was damaged in his fight with Boba Fett, and was thus freed from Lompop's and Crimson Dawn's influence. [43], But Crimson Dawn would become one step closer to capturing Cadeliah when Deathstick arrived and attacked Dengar and Valance in the city Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica. [36], While Crimson Dawn made preparations, an arms smuggler named Devono Vix who was highly connected to the Hutts revealed to bounty hunters Beilert Valance and Dengar that Crimson Dawn had stolen Han Solo from Boba Fett and that they had returned. NerdsbianCreations Vader revealed that her name was Qi'ra, that he dueled her when she attempted to prevent him from taking Solo, and that during said duel he had noticed that she had notable skill and had been trained in Ters Ksi. He told her that she had tried to kill him and tried to use him, but now he would use her. [56], But Qi'ra had one more gift: the location of Commander Zahra and her entire hunter squad and the means to be able to destroy them. [51], Due to her growing suspicions, Domina Tagge beginning to crack down on Crimson Dawn spies in the Tagge Corporation. [14] This promotion eventually lead to Hondo Ohnaka, partnered with the bounty hunter droid IG-88, pursuing Qi'ra on Ord Mantell, the two believing that a Crimson Dawn lieutennant would fetch a large bounty. Ochi traveled to the planet to deliver the message from Vader to the members of the Guild there. From shop AsterDust, $18.18 [48], Shortly before, Crimson Dawn hired Boushh and his crew for a job. Learn more about Reddits use of cookies. Ad from shop SaberSleeves FREE shipping, ad by MasamuneWoodcraft She admitted that it had come sooner than she had hoped, but she had always known it was inevitable and had therefore planned for it. Qi'ra introduced herself and told Sun she was going to give her the opportunity to work for her. The Grand Leader started to say that only someone with the right blood was meant to wield the dagger, but before he could Vukorah stabbed him with it. But Vader jumped down and blocked the bolts with his lightsaber and killing the stormtroopers in one fell swoop. dragoon datacron [51] The death of the Hutt Council lost Crimson Dawn an ally in Bokku, but it also caused immense strain between the Hutts and the Empire as they hoped, and created instability and chaos that Crimson Dawn would exploit. Deathstick reported the encampment to an Imperial Anti-Terrorism Watchline. SuperHeroesUnlimited FREE shipping, Sale Price $335.99 Yes! From shop NerdyVille, ad by TipTopWorkshop A human woman named Val found the Smuggler's Guide in a crate filled with Crimson Dawn goods that the gang she was in stole from the freight platform in Zarra on Cato Neimoidia. [39] Qi'ra also made sure the message ended up in the hands of a rebel agent named Amilyn Holdo, who delivered the message to the wider Rebellion,[40] including General Leia Organa. Palpatine ordered Vader to root out Crimson Dawn from the many levels of the Empire that the organization had infiltrated, and show them the Empire's strength. Qi'ra said that Crimson Dawn had no interest in the partnership, but that it could be a quite an opportunity for organizations the size of Black Sun. But secretly, Bokku was working for Crimson Dawn, and after receiving an order from Crimson Dawn, ordered the Hutt Armada to attack the Imperial flagship with everything they had. Dengar revealed to him that he worked for Crimson Dawn, and that the organization had his granddaughter, Cadeliah, though reassured him that she was safe for the time being. Qi'ra publicly served as Vos' top lieutenant, but later directly worked with Maul after she killed Vos. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. That way, Jabba would think less of him and not expect him to betray Jabba, to which Bokku agreed. Qi'ra noted the beauty in the demonstration of how the Hutts had shown the Empire's vulnerability and relished in her and Crimson Dawn's success. Syndicates and organizations from all over the galaxy were invited and attended, and Crimson Dawn used the auction to demonstrate their power and cause a rift between the Empire and the Hutts by manipulating them into a battle over Han Solo. The huge armies of both Crimson Dawn and the Empire, the former under Vader's command and the latter under Romodi's, engaged in an all out battle. T'onga went in alone, and discovered Lord Khamdek, the leader of the Mourner's Wail, who urged her to run while she still could. During this time, Qi'ra, earning the title of lady, came to control the remains of Crimson Dawn, and lead its rebuilding. TCSabers After they managed to escape, the Knights realized that they were really fully committed to Crimson Dawn and Qi'ra after their expierience and were most likely higher up on the Emperor's target list. From shop MasamuneWoodcraft, ad by 2PlayerGame The agent told Lompop that Crimson Dawn owed her a debt, to which Lompop wondered if the organization could kill Jabba, but the agent told her that Lady Qi'ra wouldn't allow them to, at least for the time being. The villagers exclaimed that the stormtroopers didn't help them against the organization's attack, with the troopers explaining that it was because the people were Jedi sympathizers. Sab then asked them what Vader wanted, to which they said that if she was trying to kill Vader, she was doomed. They met with Margo, who offered them two hundred thousand credits if they killed Domina Tagge and the TaggeCo Executive Board, who were meeting on the company's flagship, the Acquisitor. Aphra revealed to his cousin Domina Tagge, the head of the Tagge Corporation, that Crimson Dawn was back. Sub-group(s) When Colton denied that he knew anything about Yoda, the Archivist used a thought dowser, an artifact made by an ancient dark side cult known as The Ascendant that made artifacts which allowed non force-sensitives to utilize the powers of the dark side, to influence Colton's mind and get him to reveal that the location that Yoda went to was the Sluis sector. But the plan ultimately failed when Enfys Nest and her Cloud-Riders attempted to steal from and attacked the train. Qi'ra then had Margo open a box[11] which contained a sacred dagger which would help Vukorah claim leadership of the Clan. Barsha explained that the Syndicate War was caused by a rumor that Jabba's contract with the Empire would be terminated and that the Empire was looking for a new syndicate to take its place, a rumor which Barsha revealed had been planted by Crimson Dawn. (30% off), Sale Price $359.09 During their duel, Vader recognized Qi'ra's fighting technique and asked her who had trained her, to which Qi'ra replied that it was someone who knew quite a bit about both Vader and his master, meaning the former leader of Crimson Dawn: Maul. Qi'ra told her that they would not betray them and that she had many friends in the fleet. [49], Sometime later, Aphra accessed the information on the data crystal necklace and discovered that Crimson Dawn had created a network of agents throughout all of the most powerful organizations in the galaxy. CraftEstDesign Qi'ra believed that Cadeliah needed to know these things for her possible future as a syndicate leader and wanted to tell the girl because no one had ever told her.

[65], After Qi'ra received the message from the Archivist, she addressed many of Crimson Dawn's members from a throne on the Vermillion. Aboard the shuttle, Ochi split the group up and sent them after different targets from the list that they believed were Crimson Dawn members, ordered a coordinated purge of all of them. $139.50, $155.00 Romodi expressed to an Imperial officer attending him that he believed that they were good soldiers and deserved better, which Ochi heard and said sounded like treason. Then the assassin Deathstick stepped in, and incapacitated Lucky and Yu and forced them to surrender. Sun was a former Sava, or teacher, at the University of Bar'leth and had devoted her life to studying the force, especially the dark side. The crew berated Ochi for being part of Crimson Dawn as they sped away from the battle shaping up on the planet. [58], Shortly after, Chief Regional Auditor in the Empire, Cygnus Anton, who had also become associated with Crimson Dawn, visited the planet Calior, accompanied by stormtroopers and Crimson Dawn guards. She told the boys that they had options now, and that together they could create a galaxy free from tyrants like Wen Delphis, the Empire, and the Tagges. Original Price $512.99 After Moore's denial of planting the list, ZED-6-7 and Sab arrived and held the pair at blasterpoint as she threatened to reveal the pair's own secret allegiance to Crimson Dawn to Vader if they did not do as she said. The Orphans took pictures of the destruction and uploaded them to the Shadowfeeds with the caption 'Black Sun is in Eclipse.'

It worked, and Loriach discovered the exact location of the Crimson Dawn base. Headquarters [45] She intended to distract Vader so Rebel agents present at the auction had a chance to reclaim Solo, as she genuinely wanted them to wind up with Solo in the end. Great! Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! [17] However, the three agents were instead caught in a battle with Boba Fett, who had arrived to reclaim Solo as well. See this article's, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, the ten guards present were afflicted by the poison and dropped dead, Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure, Solo: A Star Wars Story Read-Along Storybook and CD, "Big Game" TV Spot - Solo: A Star Wars Story, Solo: A Star Wars Story "Crew" TV Spot (:45), Solo: A Star Wars Story "Risk" TV Spot (:45), Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Han" TV Spot (:30), Solo: A Star Wars Story "Team" TV Spot (:30), Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Holochess" Clip, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Enfys Nest" Clip, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Lieutenant" TV Spot (:30), Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Making Solo" Featurette, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Solo Is" Reviews, Solo: A Star Wars Story | "Scoundrels" Featurette, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills. Note - please do not ask the mods about specific products or recommendations. The Knights of Ren plan to break into Fortress Vader. After retrieving an invitation sent out by the crime syndicate from one of the bar patrons, Ochi returned to Bokku's lair with Vader and the two interrogated him about the invitation. About half the people on the list were real members of Crimson Dawn, but the other half were loyal Imperials. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. The Vermillion and the Home One rendezvous. Khamdek did not take the threat seriously and told the bounty hunter that if he told him where Crimson Dawn was keeping Cadeliah then his death would at least be quick. MasamuneWoodcraft But Ochi reiterated that if Vader said they were Crimson Dawn, then they were Crimson Dawn. Generally speaking, parts are not compatible between manufacturers. She said that the Emperor was furious at the Hutts' betrayal and was now searching for a new partner that could take up the role the Hutts had which was providing services for the Empire outside the bounds of Imperial Law, in exchange for a protected status. Ad from shop MasamuneWoodcraft They tried to lure Vukorah into a transport manned by Zuckuss, another member of the crew, but she saw through it and avoided it. When Valance asked Ochi why they were trusting the list, Ochi explained that his Assassin's Guild contacts had confirmed that at least half the people on the list were Crimson Dawn. But they were thwarted by[29] a modified A3L-N sentinel droid who was standing guard on the Vermillion. She ignored his direction, and she, Khamdek, and his crew were ambushed by Crimson Dawn. However, the leader said they make amends for trouble they had caused the syndicate by eliminating its Zann Consortium rivals on Cardooine. Deathstick was convinced to help Crimson Dawn in their plan against the Sith by revealing to her that Emperor Palpatine was behind the genocide of her people, the Nightsisters of Dathomir. [44], Later, on Jekara, once all of the bidders had arrived, Qi'ra thanked the syndicates for coming as she introduced herself as the new leader of Crimson Dawn as well as officially announcing its return. She said that the arrangement would not be exclusive, and that they would work for anyone who could afford them, but with complete confidentially, discretion, and neutrality. But T'onga refused, saying that they needed her to find where Crimson Dawn was keeping Cadeliah because they had no idea what unspeakable horrors were being committed to the girl by the organization. Qi'ra told Sun that if she found Yoda, she would make sure that Sun could do anything she wanted and study anything she wanted forever. Affiliation Ad from shop BurningWitchStudio Sometime after the Battle of Jekara, Vader returned to the Executor and spoke with Emperor Palpatine via hologram, redeclaring his devotion to the Emperor. Qi'ra did end up having a meeting with Leia Organa as she had hoped. But Vader had just been testing Valance, as the cyborg had a past connection with Sokoli, and killing him would prove he was ready to serve the Empire on their quest to take down Crimson Dawn. [27] This lead to Crimson Dawn being thought to be destroyed by its rivals. RB-919 successfully rebuilt IG-88 and placed a chip within the droid that contained Lompop's directives and missions. Qi'ra told her that she was not at the Rebellion's mercy for all she knew all of the Rebellion guards could be agents of Crimson Dawn. However, unlike the Shadow Collective, most of the rank-and-file of the organization did not report to him directly and few even knew his identity. You could not hope that someone would do something, you had to make sure that they had no choice. [56], On the planet Vincorba in the Expansion Region, the pontiff of the planet chose to ally with Crimson Dawn in the hopes of gaining riches and power. Proxima listed the facets of this security to T'onga, who crafted a plan to kidnap Vukorah. But Vader warned Sab that just killing him wouldn't accomplish what she wanted because more 'monsters' would take his place, and that someone needed to deal with the factions and make them agree. Farrus searched the galaxy and the underworld for Ascendant technology in the hopes of finding the Spark Eternal, pledging to the Archivist that they would find it. Etsys 100% renewable electricity commitment includes the electricity used by the data centers that host, the Sell on Etsy app, and the Etsy app, as well as the electricity that powers Etsys global offices and employees working remotely from home in the US. LastLayer [2] In that year, Vos sent his associate Tobias Beckett to obtain a shipment of Coaxium from the planet Vandor, for Crimson Dawn. Romodi's troops were overwhelmed, unprepared for the size of Crimson Dawn's forces, and so Romodi told his aides to tell his forces to withdraw, but Vader accessed Romodi's comms and told them not to withdraw. She spoke with the Imperial Officer Crimson Dawn agent and promised to tell Qi'ra, who she referred to as their mutual friend, that he had been a great help, the two saying 'await the dawn' before she entered the cell and met with Colton. Ad from shop BirdArtBulgaria Ochi told her that no one could have followed him, but Vader eventually caught up to him in his TIE Advanced and landed in front of Ochi. Original Price $824.99 Ochi then later administered poison to one of the guards that was meant to be with the others but wasn'ta man named Major Erstin Deezby grazing him with a poison laced bullet. Crimson Dawn Sabers, based in Texas, is a custom saber company specializing in budget friendly stunt sabers (no sound) and sound sabers. In response to this Deathstick asked Crae if she was still not allowed to kill them, to which Qi'ra answered as she arrived that it wouldn't be necessary. Original Price $479.99 Ochi suddenly found himself surrounded by tens of masked Crimson Dawn assassins. Ad from shop ComicSandwiches She told them to think about it, and that she would be waiting when they made up their minds. Vader then broke into the base. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. [28], Afterwards, The Orphans continued with more destructive missions on behalf of Crimson Dawn. [61], Around this time, Ochi went to meet Sub-Administrator Sly Moorewho like Ochi was also affiliated with Crimson Dawnand accused her of planting the list of Crimson Dawn agents that Vader had recovered. banshee She then used Vos's signet ring to contact Maul, who told her to bring the First Light to the planet Dathomir, Maul's homeworld that he was secretly running Crimson Dawn from. Krim assured Maul that the syndicate's delays would not change things. Ochi suggested that this was just because Crimson Dawn was a secret organization that kept things secret, but Romodi insisted, showing Ochi a data pad with information about the soldiers. Ad from shop TipTopWorkshop KeaganChristoph Vader then came face to face with Sab. Vire sabers sells individual pieces so look there. [28], In the years following the formation of the Galactic Senate of the New Republic in 4 ABY[66] Crimson Dawn faded significantly from its former glory,[14] though criminal organizations that evolved from Crimson Dawn held substantial power. [54] But a group of bounty hunters led by T'onga managed to intercept one of Deathstick's transmissions due to the help of the droid 4-LOM, and had heard about Crimson Dawn moving to capture Cadeliah. When the girl asked what Qi'ra was going to do about the Empire, Qi'ra said that she would do whatever she had to.[65]. ({{. Organa expressed confusion as to the reason for the meeting, to which Qi'ra announced that she had brought gifts. Much like his previous rule over Mandalore, Maul elected to rule from the shadows rather than establish himself as the visible leader of his syndicate. Chelli Aphra and Sana Starros are apprehended by one of Crimson Dawn's A3L-N Sentinel droids. [63], Vader traveled with Sab and Ochi across Naboo via shuttle, until he used the Force to throw them off the shuttle and to the surface where a horde of giant monsters lay at wait for them. The Archivist was made a general advisor on the force and the Sith, and was given the task to search for members of a fallen enemy of the Sith: the Jedi. $216.29, $308.99 We do this with marketing and advertising partners (who may have their own information theyve collected). Qi'ra reminded the girl that as the heir of both the Unbroken Clan and Mourner's Wail syndicates, she could be considered a threat to Crimson Dawn and thus her death would be convenient. datacron

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