how to become a professional muay thai fighter

Before you try to throw the hardest punches you can, make sure that you are throwing thebest punches you can. It will take many years of training before you can perform all your techniques quickly with good technique under pressure. What makes a great Muay Thai fighter?

You can check out our awesome tips here. Not all Thais are good, not all Thais have good technique, and not all Thais are hard to beat!

Typically Muay Thai will give these muscles a workout: If you are untrained Muay Thai will hit all these muscles especially the legs and hips very hard, so you could find yourself being very sore in the days after training. Spending more on good gloves means that you're more likely to stay the path and become a Muay Thai fighter. So our recommendation is, after the apprenticeship, go straight to Thailand and try to assert yourself there and turn your dream into reality. Muay Thai relies on strength, stamina, and conditioning. Acquiring high fight IQ will take years and years as you create strategies and tactics on how to use every one of your 8 limbs to maximum effectiveness. Do not get discouraged as within a short period around 6 months you will have most of the fundamentals down and be fairly competent in a street fight. However, we highly recommend doing this.

work that is possible in the home office.

And how is a warrior made? Its understandable that many hold fighting in Thailand in high regard, especially if the fight is against a Thai. They are still learning new things every day but theyve achieved a level where other people want to learn from them. I've also helped secure athletes with contracts with ONE, Max, stadiums etc. If you train 3-4 times a week you can get an Aikido blackbelt in around 4-5 years depending on how often you change. My goal is for this site to be the most helpful Muay Thai resource it can be for all levels of the sport. Oh yes. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Every dream life has its price and you have to work hard for it. The only rule for cardio is that you should feel out of breath when you're training: this is key to strengthening your heart, and it doesn't matter how you do that. After 12 months of solid training perhaps you would have had some fighting experience at InterClub or amateur level making you a novice fighter with some basic Muay Thai ability. It is best if you decide on an apprenticeship before you graduate, which will allow you to work in future regardless of the place of work, i.e. The first two weeks you visit 2 3 different gyms to get oriented and to see which gym suits you best and which you feel comfortable with. The hardest belt to get in martial arts and one of the most respected.

If an amateur fighter still has an amateur skill level, then fighting in Thailand a few times is not going to change much. Also if you want to learn Muay Thai in Thailandmake sure you prepare yourself before you go! Two pro fighters with the same record can have very different skill levels, based largely on their amateur career.

Will it be about becoming a professional fighter in Thailand or just anywhere in the world? We are offering dedicated courses or sessions for professionals and beginners. Of course you can work in Thailand, but there are lot of hurdles in connection with the training.

So you fought a Thai, then?, Man, those Thais are crazy. So you have the opportunity to combine both and to develop yourself as a top fighter in Muay Thai and also to grow in your work and become self-employed. Many fighters move regularly between pro and amateur just to keep active. You support them and then when you fight they will support you. These aren't necessarily the best ones.

Who will win? I'm Dillon just your normal Muaythaibro who fell in love with the sport and all the culture behind it. (see my post on should you do Muay Thai if youre inflexiblehere). Personally I think practicing technique is the no.1 thing for me and then learning different combos comes a close second. The younger you a, the better chance of success. Makes sense. You can check out the Outliers book here on Amazon. This question is the same as answering how big is a hole? Being limber also strengthens your muscles' resistance to injury. Do you have what it takes to become a Muay Thai fighter? If not, for a fighter who has been training for a long time but has never been in the ring, it takes two or three months to be fit and good enough to fight in Thailand. In addition, there is an organized bus trip to Penang, Malaysia on Koh Samui, which includes all transport, meals and a hotel room for 1 night. In this blog you will find a few helpful tips and most of the answers that we recommend. Koh Samui After 3 months you have to leave the country and get a new tourist visa for the next 2 + 1 months. You should hit the gym twice or three times a week while you're training. Just keep it basic and easy to stick to. That is what youll find at Bull Muay Thai in Krabi. Now this begs the question: Once you fight in Thailand, are you a pro?. Our head trainers have experience training some of the best fighters in the sport including Lumpinee and Rajadamnern stadium champions. You basically need a certain level of experience and fights which is difficult to get in the west (not impossible though). Very reasonable. For newcomers who have little experience, the career is even more difficult. If you trained 7 times a week eventually your body will break down and your training will suffer. By this time you will have had at least 15 fights and will be an expert fighter in muay Thai. When you're starting out at your local Muay Thai gym, it's easy to spend as little money as you can on gloves. The problem is Muay Thai is a very intense martial art and can burn around600 calories an hour!

Let me know if there is anything you'd like addressed or questions I can help you with. Although if we answer this question hypothetically its important to discuss other martial arts and how long it takes to achieve a black belt in each art before we can answer how long to get a Muay Thai black belt. That means, you first must prove to yourself that you have the will and the talent to do it. You could probably be taught within a week if you have good muscle memory and spend a lot of time performing the moves assuming you have adequate flexibility to perform them (see my post on should you do Muay Thai if youre inflexiblehere). Muay Thai competition is not for the feint of heart. While generally they depend on someones skill ability and knowledge of BJJ they dont always. In Thailand, this wage usually only has very well-qualified workers. The best kind of body for a Muay Thai fighter to have is a limber one. Will it be easy? If you want to stay in Thailand for up to 2 months or longer, there is a tourist visa for 2 months (60 days) that you can apply for at the Thai embassy in your country before you leave your country. There's no simple answer to this question: hard work, determination, and a lot of practice all help. I've fought myself at Rajadamnern, Max Muay Thai, in Isaan, Phuket and in the states.

Will you attend a coding course by someone who has never coded Nor has any experience in coding ? In these countries, the difference between being amateur and pro is not so much about the gear, but whether or not they get paid. Muay Thai is a combat sport and Sparring and ring experience is a vital part of becoming truly good at it. This tip is mentioned in Sean Fagans 10 Muay Thai Thailand training survival guide which you can view below. Awesome. Bull Muay Thai in Krabi hasnt been around for too long yet, but it has already made quite a name for itself, with talented, price-winning and passionate fighters from Thailand and abroad.

This is because they have honed their technique. We have lots more on the site to show you. It applies to Muay Thai as well as other martial arts like BJJ and pretty much every field. They think: You fought in Thailand, huh? Training depends on what kind of agreement you have. Like with all things in life you more you put into it the faster you succeed, and this is the same with getting a Judo black belt. It makes sense to have trained the other martial arts as well. Thanks. The main difference is the presence (or absence) of shin guards, head gear and/or elbow pads in the fight.

There are no shortcuts in Muay Thai fighting: you need to put the work in. You should drink, Proper technique allows for stronger hits and also stops you from injuring yourself. This tells you NOTHING about how to attack and defend using each piece effectively. Now good at Muay Thai is subjective as yourself-defense could be way better than an average person on the street in only a couple of months. You should also train cardio regularly, three or four times a week. Hot tip, an easy way to promote yourself without looking like an asshole is to just promote your teammates. Hey I'm considering putting on a course/class teaching people how to become professional Muay Thai fighters. The usual case is that you start as a normal customer in a gym for the first time and must work your way up to a professional Muay Thai fighter step by step. So, where is the secret? But for a lot of other fighters and promoters, its a topic of hot debate. However knowing all the techniques is just thestart, you need to know HOW to use those techniques against other people who are fighting back.

Ready to improve your skills and start growing? However, it is important that you are sure in which gym you want to do this, and do not gym hop! It could be about how dedicated you are, or how well you perform in competition. 4 Reasons Muay Thai Is So Good For Core Body Strength. It makes some amateur fighters feel like they must hide their fighting in Thailand in order to avoid arguments back home. Typically you should start training Muay Thai around 2-4 times a week.

Typically following the guidelines set out and followed by most karate schools, and the age and how often you train Karate you should get your black belt in around 5 years. Keep up the good work. You will not be as sore from training Muay Thai compared to a complete beginner as your simply stronger and used to workout. We've put out heads together and assembled a list of essential Muay Thai tips that you need if you're going to become a great fighter. So you do not officially need a work permit in Thailand, because you are working at home in front of your computer. If you want your body to be at its best, you need to give it ample opportunities for recovery. Has this made you curious? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Its much better to start small and wait a couple of days in between workouts to ensure your body is properly recovered. Bull Muay Thai Gym is a professional Muay Thai Camp in Ao Nang beach of Krabi, one of the most beatifull beach of the south of Thailand. Both BJJ and Muay Thai are similar because they are so complicated and can never truly be mastered.

The fighter with the best skills, training, passion and stamina of course. The best option is to find a job that you can do online. After 15 years you can be considered a master at Muay Thai, and you will know youre a master when other experts come to you for new knowledge about the sport. A few days before your return trip talk to the gym owner or head trainer and ask him what he thinks about your project and try to convince him of your talent and will that he can make you an offer for the future right away. One great way to improve your flexibility is to practice yoga alongside your regular workouts. I'm figuring things out and the course structure now.

And will it be for newcomers or people that already have experience? Also, there areplentyof amateur fighters who have had one or two bouts in Thailand.

If you are not already a successful and well-known fighter, you dont get enough money for a fight here in Thailand. If you want to become a well-rounded fighter, the key is to spar with a variety of different people. Our coaches can take your Muay Thai skills to the next level. We offer top-quality Muay Thai classes for all ages and abilities! With learning technique training tired is okay because you will be tired in a fight anyway, while training weights after you do technique is counterproductive as you wont be able to lift the same weights compared to being fresh. I recommend daily stretching to reduce muscles soreness. Some will say that strength training is more important, others will say that cardio is more important.

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