coyote hound hunting forum

total scum. She started beating it with her first but the animal simply latched onto her arm and she couldn't Get it off so she walked over a mile with this creature latched onto her arm. by Gertie Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:17 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. You have to have a kennel full of dogs coming along. Bear in mind I have hunted all my life and am not a virgin when it comes to killing things but man that is something I don't think I would want to try.

As coyote populations have grown they have gottem more and more brave. His voice is a little deeper than most of the other hounds and it seems like he is always right there. 'i was only relating mine as a depredation trapper in California who has had to call many people after finding collars in or around coyote dens. Thanks for the info Bob. Entire town was in utter panic. Happened twice near my area this past spring. Id err on the side of caution. I've seen them enough around close to the house without being to scared that I carry my AR with me when I take the pups on walks out in my pastures. Skin is like paper. How popular is it? I've never had one attack any of my gsp sized dogs. ;):lol: Runt of the litter, small, wasnt entering well, too shy so wooooohooooo shes our new child!! We have lost some beagles to coyotes over the years running hare and rabbits, they generally cue in on the pack while they running. I have trapped males over 50lbs. Didn't even know guys did this. Never had a problem. Use the search feature for quick lookup. Just HOW do they know how to do that!!! Not long ago on a trip to Northern Nevada I had 1 follow the dogs in to me, the coyote paid no attention to the horses or to me pulling out the shotgun out of the scabbard, he got both barrels with some #5's.

Very sad.

LP GR RCH Coal Hill's Brush Buster.2014 ARHA PA state champion LP GR CH Coal Hill's Ma Ma Cass. Your dog one on one would be fine. I have always taken the stance that I would never kill wildlife on my property, until lately. I recall them snatching some cats but almost never dogs. I have heard of larger dogs getting in fights with multiple coyotes but it seems more territorial than predation. They didnt leave when she arrived. Kebco is dead on. by Brazosvalleyvizslas Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:11 pm, Post by Tyler S Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:58 pm, Post They drop them in pairs/trios. You are using an out of date browser. I did my best to have her completely spoiled before Lynn came and got here:lol: The joy on her face when she saw Lynn showed me just how much those dogs love doing their job. They don't put up much of a fight. I have never worried about them but after some of the stories I see I would watch out for small puppies. I didn't respond to your post by starting with "Look Dude" I used part of your name so show the same respect and don't flame fires. by Tyler S Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:44 pm, Post

Ready for this????????

by ultracarry Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:21 pm, Post You talk about eating good!!! Very sad for me though. [QUOTE Im not saying I had shot him either. Those rabbits wouldn't stand a chance against a strong Alpha male. Had no idea what had happened. Watch your dog man. The first one was probably dead before the second one even knew what was happening and the 2nd basically got its head ripped off without a chance to put up a fight. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It didn't seem too worried about us.

they have probably lost some of their fear of humans and dogs. There has been less and less coyote hunting allowed. And Mademoiselle has already napped on the couch with me! There were a few in my town not long ago, lap dog got attacked, one circled a woman and her lap dog and 40lb over weight pet beagle until the beagle put the run to it. i think if he shot the dog 3 times in the head and once in the shoulder he knew what he was doing and was close enough to see it was not a coyote. Spin it how ever you want there bud. If this is your first visit, you will need to. In California. When their is more than one coyote they head and heal the dog. Sings only when I come home, allows Master William to ride her/pull her mouth/generally abuse her as a toddler will, stands up pretty on her toes for a cookie, & isnt afraid to face down a breeding pair of pitbulls coming at me and William. It started with small lap dogs but now they are attacking larger breeds too like labs and goldens !! We live in the country - kinda.

Whenever I see a flash of white on the tail of our quarry, I know that it is him.

by deke Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:42 pm, Post by ezzy333 Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:39 pm, Post One of my favorite things to do is to carry an AR when I'm bushhogging. She gets loose every once in a while and hunts the neighborhood, looking for coyotes, but I think all weve got are bunnies. Coyote eyeing my hound when he was a pup. I have a lynx hanging around now that I think may have to go as well. My dogs have killed several in Montana and The Dakotas. We live remote also and coyotes are ever present. Inevitably, he is a lead/strike hound on most of our chases. They are breeding and defending territory right now. It never failed, hed seem to pick up on the coldest of lines and then suddenly on que would be joined by the others whose very good noses werent quite as great as his. I carry two rounds of buckshot in my left back pocket and two slugs in my right. When I was younger my uncle and some of his buddies "fox hunted" every weekend. But an orange vest would be quickly torn off or caught up on thorns and brush if worn on a beagle or coyote hound. I was called to the hospital where she went to get treatment so that I could take care of the problem in her trunk.

I have had neighbors lose many lap dogs and cats to them. If they can't run a coyote with their dog the way they want to then using other dogs to kick in is a total lack of ethics on their part and violates the sound principles of fair chase. JavaScript is disabled. You must log in or register to reply here. Don't fear wild animals but don't try to trust or predict them either. or would you be yelling at the dog owner: back up a little BUD, i already said this guy was scum.

Animals do it in the wild on their own, so I wouldnt call it unsportsman like. I try to keep a bell on him to deter them but he hates it with a passion. If I had broke coyote hounds I would take you up on that one. Makes for an exciting day.

She also does well at performance trials and has helped Bridlespur give a good showing many times. Better mix it with something with thick skin. Most of the rest are 50 to 70 lb. Basset genes!!! We used an old coal truck rim and a big piece of steel grating for a grill. One time it came back with the skin on its whole side flapping, looked like a cartoon or something in the butcher section.

by QuillGordon Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:58 am, Post They generally wont chase one more than a hundred yards or so, but every now and then one will hit a culvert or try to hide under a blow down or something.

My experience with Yotes here in Illinois has been the same as Ezzy's and Jim's. I see coyotes all the time. Both retired from hunting, my current hound chuckie adores cat food and sleeping on the bed. Seen them get torn up pretty bad. Have had the dogs run them before, so I've had to shock them off of them. My husband thinks he is the perfect pet. The best houndsmen in Ontario or elsewhere would never think of doing this. A couple months ago one was standing at the edge of the yard eye balling my wifes little ankle biter around midnight. by ezzy333 Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:48 pm, Post You got to have a hound that knows what to do when they bay one, or all of them will get torn up. They only found the dogs sweater, hours later. We sure did not get the response we were expecting. Oh, well, gee, thats like saying which of your children do you like best?

They learned to avoid my place, to an extent, after killing a bunch of them. My dogs have killed quite a few over the years. POORBOYS Recipes!

And since coyotes are monogamous, the male will defend the female from other coyotes which means he would do the same against dogs.

In the past 4 years all the tree huggers are up in arms because the coyotes are now killing their dogs right in their back yards. by jimbo&rooster Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:16 pm, Post He shouldn't have the right to own guns or hunt again. I killed two this past year from the dining room. My little 20 gauge drilling has a 223 underI've killed 2 coyote over the past 8 yearsthey made the mistake of stopping to look back inside 100 yds. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Sorry, but BOTH my dogs think YOU are an A-Hole, and I believe them. A forum community dedicated to working dog owners and enthusiasts. Dogs would "pack" to them just like in a race. The older guys would eventually pass out drunk, I'd fall asleep mysef and when we all woke up at daylight the dogs would be laying around the fire curled up.

by Tyler S Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:00 pm, Post . I have missed two so far but am going to kill every one I get a chance at now. It is definitely a love/hate thing.

I thought he would warm up more as he settled. Shell go into brush piles until all you see is her tail, she never misses a chance to check a culvert or other things. I always go out with the spot light at night when I let my pointer pups out to do their business and keep my shotgun by the door. 20m terzo 7) Many posters wanted to allude that a dogs life was less valuable than a human life. I might not kill them, but I can assure you they are going to have more than just a handful of trouble in front of them when I get to them.

Cj. You just know he thinks he is going for a hunt.

Most coyotes around here are sub 40# so for them to kill a big dog like that they really have to want it and your dog really has to have no fight in him. A lot of the eastern ones are crossed with domestic dogs and I understand they are quite dangerous. best lurchers are greyhound/staffy mix with a bit of BC in their history.

They are 100-120# dogs and they drop them in the wide open and are primarily sight dogs. by Brazosvalleyvizslas Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:42 pm, Post by cjhills Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:38 pm, Post Just made to go fast and catch rabbits in fields and an occasional ground hog. I am always watching for them and I would be very careful running pups in areas where they live.

However, coyotes In pairs would have him in real trouble pretty quick. I live in a small town that is on the edge of open farm land and woods. He comes in the morning and evening for his meal and he also comes into the house when it is raining and paces a circle drooling. by Brazosvalleyvizslas Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:23 pm, Post You must log in or register to reply here. I have heard it said that coyotes will try and get your dogs out and attack and kill them. We also had a rottweiler that he never tangled with because that dog could kill him in about 3 seconds. Not like these sight hounds but scent hounds that run to kill. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Shes now my house-hound. If you want reassurance, get a big breed guard dog: Great Pyrenees Rottweiler, Doberman, Bernese Mtn dog etc. Shes a small hound aptly named as shes a bundle of energy and always appears to be cheerful, almost looks like she has a smile on her face. Sometimes a little beat up but never serious. He was nearing retirement when I joined the hunt but he was amazing. If some one shoots one of our hounds, that person is going to pay dearly for his actions. While I understand that a Yote can be pretty ornery I have never seen one that wasn't more interested in putting ground between itself and my dogs. In the off-season, this is a easy answer. Protestors in SCOTUS Neighborhood getting Out of Hand.

There's a high knob a few miles from where I live we would all congregate on. Tyler, your right and that's why SoCal has the most aggressive yotes. He is big and beautiful and has this booming voice that just lights up the pack. I think most of the dog snatches are smaller breeds. I love watching sight hounds. I know this a little different but it is a strange story. around here every one runs in fox pens,have for years.i guess to much losing dogs to roads and people who dont allow hunting or dogs.i remember almost every nite ,yearsago, you could heare a pak of fox hounds somewhere in the distance,butnever anymore. Also, around here we run coyotes so much with hounds that they know it's a very bad day when a dog starts chasing them. I've had a coyote cross within twenty yards of me, in front me while being chased. That's how this thread took the turn it did I think. if you were the stranger, would you want to be rescued before the dog ? Others shoot the coyotes infront of the hounds. Hes an eight year old cross bred hound. Unless coyotes are attune to attacking dogs, I think they need a stalking or a pack advantage on a dog, or be be very hungry, otherwise there is easier prey in the woods.

I would be concerned about a single pup especially if it's still small running into coyotes. by pkbirdog Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:33 pm, Post When it got dark they would dump out 8-10 foxhounds, build a big fire and sit around drinking and argue over who's dog was in the lead. I carry buck shot and a few slugs in my vest. If I'm being honest tho, if I watch someone shoot my dog intentionally he is likely gonna 'pay' right then and there. Like, shotgunner stated we usually had to keep the ones that could handle the yote by themselves. One exception was a 19" hound I had. As a former hunt member and whip this is a great question.

My little boarder terrier skin feels literally about 10 times thicker with a thick rough coat.

Please don't turn your dogs toward A coyote like that. Pretty sure she could handle a coyote one on one. by ezzy333 Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:52 pm, Post I have a beagle, loves to hunt down anything that is on the ground. Don't know, never met one, but the western wild ones don't amount to much. by jimbo&rooster Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:37 pm, Post I have happy thoughts of him laying on the couch or in front of a warm fireplace this next winter but will miss him greatly.

:winkgrin: Im totoally with ya OutfoxI have a love/hate relationship with a couple of the bitches in our pack. It may not display this or other websites correctly. She has never got a mark on her. no fence and lots of land, pond and a fresh water creek to hunt. by mrcreole Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:10 pm, Post Coywolves are Taking Over Eastern North America, How many hours per day do you hunt your dog. I could always be sure if Benny gave cry they were on the line.

DogNewbie It is not legal here technically either, but that is because of the lead on walk in areas. Thanks, I have never been on the Hounds forum, I guess I assumed it was all about hound hunting for cats and coons, And here I thought I knew it all. shooting a hound is one thing, seeing an animal resembling a coyote and placing crosshairs on it (looking thru the scope) while coyote hunting is another. Parents were french immigrants! Go down to the Lions, Bears, and Houndsmen forum and take a look at some of Vargys posts. by Ruffshooter Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:15 am, Post She tried to scare them off and they reluctantly left. by Brazosvalleyvizslas Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:22 pm, Post

They're not as fast as a mal/dutchie, but they're still pretty quick and hey if the coyote gets away he won't be coming back. I also have her littermate Sandanona Glamour. My favourite would have to be the first that I walked. A forum community dedicated to Pennsylvanias hunters and enthusiasts Come join the discussion about trails, licenses, fishing, game laws, styles, reviews, optics, accessories, classifieds, and more!

Guaranteed (as much as you can) the dogs would be broke from deer.

it would take a big pack of coyotes to even think about a pair of large dogs. by aulrich Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:08 pm, Post If you think it's a coyote, you don't shoot You have to KNOW it's a coyote. by cjuve Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:11 pm, Post The fine was pathetic and he should have been convicted of a felony and lost his right to own a firearm.

We checked into running yotes in the wild one time. But I do have a few favoriteswill get back here later! by V-John Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:23 am, Post

by taxidermy Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:48 pm, Post Great rabbit, quail, raccoon, squirrel, fox, possum dog. We have a good number of coyotes around. I just think that if the dog owner did retaliate and shoot the guy in the leg that it doesn't necessarily mean he values animals lives more than human lives. what if you happen to be daytime coyote hunting and see movement, it looks like a coyote, scope it out (crosshairs) and you realize its a hunting dog, not a coyote. Afraid she would not make it. He was working livestock when it happened and was over the hill on an outrun. I know no one around here(Montana) that does it and have absoutely no intrest in ever doing it,,looks brutal. And one was seen eating a fawn near someones backyard.

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