summary of meeting is called

While participants may have an opportunity to ask questions or answer short polls, webinars are not considered a collaborative meeting. Meeting minutes help organizations and companies process information quicker. There are several roles different participants might have in a meeting. The 1-2-All is a facilitation technique that allows larger groups to generate questions, suggestions, and solutions all at the same time, making sure all participants have an opportunity to contribute. The technique is called Dot Voting because, in face-to-face meetings, votes are cast by placing a sticky-dot or using markers to make a dot next to an item posted on the wall. Nevertheless, there are indeed common classifications, and these are: Standard summaries, also called discussion minutes, are meeting minutes which are often lengthy due to one reason: they record literally all of the discussion that happened in the meeting, even those which may not be important to the agenda being discussed, hence the term discussion minutes. They contain not only the decisions reached but also the actions needed to conform to those decisions. Electronic device (Electronic) the term electronic device covers a lot of ground but here, it is used to refer to any and all electronic devices that can record notes, including computers, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Lastly, preemptively preparing the template should be done. You can find an introduction to Governance Cadence Meetings in Chapter 21 of our book, Where the Action Is. Once the group has this list, they can look at these specific examples and come up with ways to achieve the opposite Rice at a Wedding is a term coined by Alison Davis to described a meeting where the topics haven't been curated or put into a sensible order in advance. Most meetings include a dedicated time for synchronous communication. In an activity modeling workshop, the group works together to outline a sequence of steps and the component pieces involved in creating a behavior or result. Meetings bring people and ideas together so that an organizations directives are understood clearly and action steps are determined properly. Their names are What and Why and When Meeting facilitators are trained to recognize the difference between constructive A consulting decision-making meeting involves a group that provides information and advice to one or more designated decision makers. Instead of creating a lot of new ideas, convergent thinking works to focus in on the "right" idea. Facilitators focus on managing the meeting process and helping every participant engage successfully. The agenda is the version of the meeting plan shared with meeting attendees. Attributed to American Express, people using this technique will answer these questions in the meeting invitation. A meeting parking lot helps keep track of important items that may not be useful to discuss in the current meeting. This guide will help you determine the importance of meeting minutes, what tools are needed, and how to effectively write them. During a large meeting or workshop, the facilitator may assign the group to work in smaller teams to answer a question or tackle a specific challenge. While you should send it to all meeting attendees, make sure to include any employees or clients who were unable to attend. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. by bus or car) to a central place of work, such as an office building, warehouse or store. There are multiple meeting and thinking techniques called TRIZ. The left column lists the key messages. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Offering appreciations, or acknowledgments, is a popular and positive addition to the opening or close of a meeting. Each team member gives an update on the work they've completed, what they plan to do next, and any A standing meeting is any meeting that repeats on a predictable basis and creates an ongoing obligation on participant's calendars. Common elements of an organization's communication architecture include: A Community of Practice Meeting is used by people with a shared interest in a topic for networking, learning, and mutual support. When complete, the A straw poll is an ad-hoc or unofficial vote. The agile methodology relies on a series of related meetingscalled "ceremonies"to keep the work coordinated and encourage continuous improvement. Having transcripts would allow people to look at these data even further and clarify what was said in meeting minutes. After all, it is a somewhat longer process to have manually-written meeting minutes disseminated, as everything from reviewing the contents to checking for errors and corrections has to be done manually, and also has to be scanned and printed or faxed. Reverse Brainstorming is a technique that builds on our natural ability to more easily see problems than solutions. Summarize what happened at the meeting and whether motions were approved or rejected. The one-phrase close is a technique used to end team meetings. However, these people are expensive to maintain. Each diagonal line represents a possible cause of the problem, or a set of inputs into the process. A meeting is a defined real-time gathering of two or more people for the purpose of achieving a common goal through conversation and interaction. Appreciate Inquiry techniques are often used in problem solving and strategy meetings. Web conferencing software A webinar is a seminar, training session, or other broadcast conducted over the Internet. All ice breakers are designed to help the participants get to know one another and build rapport, but that doesn't mean they can't also be work and results focused. To use this technique in a meeting, provide 12 areas for answering questions related to the central topic and ask meeting participants to provide answers to each question. Court reporters are often tasked not only to produce transcripts but to make minutes from these transcripts as well. It is an indispensable tool for all types of organizations dealing in all kinds of things, from corporations looking to expand their businesses to courts hearing their many cases. A proxy is a representative that has been designated to vote on someone else's behalf in a meeting. A swim lane diagram is a type of flowchart. Sticky notes are small pieces of colorful paper, usually square, with a light-weight adhesive strip on the back. Then, imagine a corporation looking to expand their business beyond their current one. Employees who were unable to attend a meeting can also use a meeting recap to stay up-to-date on important details they may have missed. Proponents of walking meetings say walking meetings lead to more natural conversations and enhanced creativity. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. The Strategic War Room, contributed by Krister Forsberg, provides a way for leadership teams to come to a common understanding of insights about the organization. Balance is a requirement for many non-profit and public sector meetings, where organizers must actively seek to include participants who represent diverse interests. This allows them to add it to their calendar. Topics should be chosen wisely and be relevant to all attendees. When people mention "the Elephant in the Room", they're referring to something they assume everyone knows, but no one wants to talk about because it's awkward, taboo, or likely to incite conflict. When collected and reviewed over time, meeting feedback can give managers insight into A fishbone diagram is a visual technique that teams use to organize their thinking and identify causes for a problem. The KJ Technique includes these steps: Lack of participation happens when participants remain quiet or do not engage in a meeting's activities creating a roadblock to meeting productivity.

At 5 seconds, people will start to speak up. Electronic devices have the advantage of being easy to use, being highly customizable thanks to applications such as Evernote and Minute, and overall being more convenient than taking notes manually. Teams use Problem Solving Meetings to analyze a situation and its causes, assess what direction to take, then create an action plan to resolve the problem. It spells out an 8-point scale for expressing support for a decision. One, then, can consider meeting minutes, along with transcripts, as two of the most important tools for success in any given organization or company. There are several variations on this technique with similar acronyms. It does have a few disadvantages. Asking for feedback helps the leader improve and sends a message about the importance of meeting quality to meeting participants. If no meeting date was established, confer with your supervisor. Leaders encourage accountability in meetings by: Action items describe a discrete task that must be accomplished, usually by a single individual. The above category is a blanket category meant to include any and all personnel who are directly employed by an organization that has tasked them to create meeting minutes. Facipulation is basically tricking people into thinking they had a choice, when you were really cleverly steering the meeting to achieve a pre-determined outcome.

Project post-mortems are intended to inform process improvements, mitigate future risks, and promote iterative best practices. Social loafing is a term used by social psychologists to describe how some people contribute less when they work in a group than they would otherwise. Secretary is one of the defined roles in a formal meeting. Boards may hold an executive session involving only board members to discuss sensitive or private information. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. Responses are typically posted to a 2x2 matrix then discussed. The process relies on each team member building off previous contributions by adding clarifications, challenges, and improving upon the An RSVP is the confirmation of and response to an invitation.

Dialetical inquiry is a group decision-making technique that attempts to combat group think. Psychological safety is a term used to describe whether a person feels it is safe to take a personal risk around their team members. Liberating Structures describes TRIZ as meeting exercise designed to help groups identify counterproductive things they may be doing and find ways to stop (let go) the unhelpful activities. Use these steps to send an effective meeting summary email to your companys employees or clients: As the meeting progresses, make note of important details or dates such as project deadlines, company announcements, or the names of employees who were assigned to certain projects. Membership is open to anyone who wants to become a more confident public speaker. ], [Use this space to discuss any additions to the agenda. Flip charts are used during meetings to present the agenda and for visual note taking. There are several related techniques that use Plus-Delta provides a quick way to gather feedback at the end of an exercise or meeting. You can find an introduction to Workshops in Chapter 27 of our book, Where the Action Is. Low energy is considered a dysfunctional meeting dynamic that manifests in many ways: attendees look tired, don't contribute to the conversation, lose track of the discussion, etc. Make sure to emphasize due dates and the names of people assigned to certain tasks.

Today, Lean methodologies are being adapted to improve operations in many other industries as well. Make sure to keep your email concise and only include relevant and necessary details. These people are often good typists able to write fast and legibly, have good organizational and summarizing skills, and are often well-versed in the topics discussed by the organization they are directly employed by. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological, the four types of change the team lists during this activity. Depending on their function, committee meetings may work like team meetings, An organization's communication architecture determines the method and frequency by which information, attention, and intent flows between people, teams, and systems in the organization. A presentation is when a person communicates an idea to others. Here are some templates you can use based on different types of meetings: [Thank everyone for attending the meeting or participating.]. To conduct a checkpoint at the end of an agenda item, the facilitator will quickly recap what the group just accomplished, where they are in the agenda, and what they will do next.

Here's how a positive belief cycle works: Dot voting is a fast and easy polling system used to bring out a group's opinions regarding the highest priority items on a list. People from different cultures may have different expectations about work deadlines and communication patterns. Notes can be public or private, and they are typically sent to the attendees just after a meeting. A Planning Meeting is used to create a plan and secure commitment to taking the first steps. Feedback is shared and charted in the three categories, then discussed by the group. People listening attentively may also be highly engaged. A meeting recap refers to a summarized message thats distributed to a company or organizations employees or clients after a meeting. Webinars feature one or more central speakers presenting information to a large group of registered attendees. After filling out this central box, 8 new grids are created with an idea from the first grid in the center. When the team identifies a possible resolution to an issue, the issue is removed from the issues list and may be replaced by one or more action items defining the steps the team will take to address the An Issue Resolution Meeting is used when two parties both recognize there is a problem to solve, but they have different beliefs about how the problem should be solved. All of these steps takes time to do. The meeting purpose to bring everyone up to date on information that is necessary for coordination. Many logical fallacies feel and sound persuasive, and they can be especially destructive when used in meetings. Instead of asking a group to brainstorm ideas that would work, the group brainstorms all the ways that they could cause a plan to fail. You can also list these as agenda items in bullet points like below. For example, the Future Backwards exercise works best when the group A Broadcast Meeting is used by teams when they need to share information with a large group, either internally or externally. During the meeting, the team reviews the project plan, looking specifically at the tasks required along the way. Make sure to take note of any changes happening within a department, too. While its not always necessary, you can include a bullet-point list of all attendees before you get to the body of your email. Now that you know what a meeting recap is, start writing one of your own. It is very similar to the KJ Six Serving Men is a team exercise that examines an issue from twelve different viewpoints. For facilitators, hybrid meetings are some of the most difficult meetings to manage as you can neither rely on everyone having access to the meeting technology nor on people all using sticky notes or other tangible resources. Virtual icebreakers are team-building exercises conducted during a meeting with attendees that are not in the same location. To run a SOAR analysis, ask teams to brainstorm ideas in each of the four categories. Poorly executed meetings, on the other hand, inhibit collaboration by emphasizing power dynamics, stifling discussion, and boring people.

A workshop is a long interactive meeting or educational session designed to create a specialized result. A Meeting Flow Model works by describing the specific meetings used for each situation. The Stinky Fish technique was developed by sa Silfverberg at Hyper Island as way to unleash group collaboration. What that means is that executive summaries exclude any and all discussions that led to decision-making, opting to finalize the tasks to be done and only record the decisions reached and the actions to be taken. Thanks to working in the legal setting, these people are well-versed in legal jargon and are experts in writing text that will be used in the legal setting. Unanimity is when everyone agrees. Concept mapping is a technique for graphically organizing and representing knowledge. This is considered a meeting dysfunction that should be avoided by properly structuring the meeting to encourage engagement and include only those people who have an active role to play. This includes topics such as how people take turns speaking, how to handle conflict, and expectations about meeting preparation. The RAID technique for evaluating and tracking risks helps teams think more thoroughly through potential problems by capturing Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies. Kickoff meetings are not planning meetings, although it is common to review and revise project plans during a kickoff. If the next meeting date was set, remind everyone near the end of your email. The term meeting minutes was first used in the early 18th century, and possibly came from the Latin term minuta scripture, meaning small notes. In this case, the word minute in meeting minutes references not time, but rather something small or something condensed, (themy-newtpronunciation of minute). Concept maps can be created collaboratively by a group during a meeting, a process more commonly known as Mind Mapping. The chair (also chairperson, chairwoman or chairman) is the highest elected officer of an organized group such as a board, a committee, or a deliberative assembly. A Meeting Flow Model is a form of process documentation that highlights the main meetings used to achieve a business result. The process helps redefine problems and opportunities to come up with new responses and solutions. Facilitators and meeting leaders use a meeting checkpoint to keep the group focused and on topic. Participants brainstorm and map out what's changing in their operating environment, then brainstorm the opportunities and threats they can now see may arise from these changes. Then, during the Listen step, the presenter should request answers to each A Pareto Analysis is a decision-making technique used to choose a limited number of actions to take that will result in a significant impact. AGM stands for Annual General Meeting: A meeting of the general membership of an organization. The Analogies and Metaphors technique in meetings helps participants clarify their understanding of an issue.

Participants discuss what happened, why it happened, and what can be done better in the future. An executive session is a private meeting within an otherwise open meeting, such as an organizational board meeting. A BLUF is a short summary placed at the very beginning of a message, like a business-oriented version of TL;DR. Lucid Meetings strives to deliver accessible software for meeting management and productivity. After all, different organizations have different preferences and needs. To make sure that the information gained from these meetings isnt lost, companies have made use of meeting minutes in order to maintain, and possibly increase, company productivity. (In particular, the question Didnt we already decide that?). Workshops typically involve a central trainer or facilitator who works with a set of sponsors to design the sequence of presentations, plan collaborative activities, and ensure the workshop will lead to the desired result. If a group makes a decision during a meeting and everyone says that they support the decision, but then when they leave the room they talk privately about how they think the decision is flawed, that decision is said to have failed the water cooler test. When you improve the productivity of your meetings, you ensure your team can answer that question. For example, teams may struggle with the need to innovate vs the need to manage risk, or a focus on fresh voices vs a reliance on experience. Lucid meeting templates frequently recommend using Silent Brainstorming, a form of Braindumping that works well in everyday meetings. Popularized by Verne Harnish, this technique is intended to give everyone a chance to express either frustration or appreciation and bring closure to the discussion. Experts on remote An ice breaker is an activity, game, or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting. For example, when you ask "Are there any more questions? Anyone in an organization can be tasked with creating meeting minutes, but oftentimes, this task is delegated to people who know how to summarize data points effectively. A meeting agenda may include a list of topics to discuss, a sequence of planned activities, or both. Every meeting has a structure. Teams may use a compromise approach to making a decision when they can't agree on a single answer. A standing meeting should not be confused with stand-up meetings, in which everyone remains standing throughout the meeting.

The name of the technique is an acronym for: To ensure the exchange will be effective, the presenter should prepare specific questions in advance and give the group an opportunity to discuss these questions together before they reply to the presenter. Not only does an attendance sheet give meeting summary makers the complete names of the attendees (useful for filling out the attendees section of the template), the attendance sheet itself can also be attached to copies of the meeting minutes that will be distributed later on. Strategic planning is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. Instead, they use technology to meet over the Internet. The group is asked to have the discussion in the roomnot later around the water coolerthen leave the meeting committed to A weather report is a way to run meeting check-ins and check-outs developed by Diana Larsen for teams who meet on weekly basis. There are several progressive questioning techniques designed to fit different situations. A virtual meeting is a real meeting held over the phone or the Internet involving one or more people who are not in the same location.

Anyone with the proper mindset and the willingness to learn can write effective meeting minutes with some practice. You may also want to visit the Learn More link, below, for resources to help you plan, run, and troubleshoot the specific meetings your team needs. AGMs are held by membership associations and large companies with shareholders according to the rules spelled out in the organization's bylaws or charter. We've gathered this information from far and wide, so enjoy! A meeting cadence is a pattern of regular team meetings. First, they add a circle or box for each option under consideration. Such information as who voted to second the motion and who did not is often included as well, although sometimes it may be sufficient to include only the voting tally, depending on whatever instructions were given.

ORID stands for: ORID is a foundation of the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) PALPaR is a technique used by presenters to create an effective exchange in response to a proposal. A walking meeting is exactly what it sounds like; a meeting conducted while walking. (This is especially common in politics.) The SWOT analysis includes steps for brainstorming, grouping, and prioritizing ideas in each category. Perceived Meeting Quality (PMQ) is a way to measure an attendees feelings about a meeting. For example: This allows participants to think without distractions or influence from other members of the group, and helps combat problems with groupthink and social loafing common to traditional brainstorming sessions. There are many more specific check-in techniques, each developed for a specific meeting context. A participant's engagement is easiest to see when they are speaking or actively working in a group activity. After introducing the idea, the group is asked to write individual notes about what they found positive (plus), negative (minus), and what they thought was neither good nor bad but interesting. The meeting leader asks everyone to rate the meeting from a 0 to 5, with 0 meaning it was a complete waste of time and 5 signifying an excellent use of time. Finally, concept maps are often presented during A conference call is an audio call in which multiple participants all join the same call at the same time. Strengths and weaknesses are usually internal, while opportunities and threats concern factors outside of your organization. No one at the meeting mentioned the obvious awful smell. Teams identify issues during meetings, then work to find solutions. In one approach, groups start by writing out the stated goal or problem, then underlining every word that implies an underlying assumption. The KJ-Method or KJ Technique, is an idea generating and prioritizing technique named after its inventor, Jiro Kawakita. Each axis represents a decision criterion, such as cost or effort. Daily Huddles are often conducted as standing meetings. You can find an introduction to Broadcast Meetings in Chapter 34 of our book, Where the Action Is. Instead, there are multiple answers that warrant further experimentation before committing to a single approach. The group then breaks into pairs to discuss the topic, and perhaps then foursomes. More involved decisions benefit from establishing criteria or factors for evaluating each option in advance, such as cost, time to implement, expected impact, alignment with core values, etc.

Maybe not even then. Brainstorming is a group technique formalized by Alex Osborn in 1939 as a way to generate a lot of ideas quickly in response to a specific problem or question. A discovery meeting is a form of investigative meeting used by consultants, designers, and project teams to learn more about a project's requirements. Short, frequent meetings increase a team's work momentum. An attendance sheet for the participants to fill in is often given out before the meeting or discussion starts. Some formal meetings, such as board meetings, committee meetings, and those meetings subject to Open Meeting laws, have rules that say how far in advance notification must be provided before the meeting can be held. For example, invitations at the beginning of meetings typically use a go around. When used strategically, silence can be a powerful collaboration and communication tool. They help your team make a human connection, and can be especially useful when you run online meetings with people who are located in different geographical areas. Unless otherwise stated by the meeting leader, open discussion is the default approach assumed to be in use for most meetings. Creative Problem Solving (CPS) is a method that attempts to approach a problem or a challenge in an innovative way. The team then writes down the various A Clarifying Question is a question asked about something that is unclear or hard to understand. The facilitator helps the team identify all points that they agree on to form the basis of the decision.

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