trusting god when a relationship ends

Therefore I felt it wasnt a big enough deal to put much serious thought into whether or not the relationship would actually work. How Does God Heal a Broken Heart of a Lost Relationship? faye suhaimi If in your sorrow you turn to the Lord and repent of whatever sin you brought to this relationship, you are as precious to your heavenly Father as you have ever been, and he is using every inch of your heartache, failure, or regret to make you more of what he created you to be and to give you more of what he created you to enjoy himself.

He knew I didnt want to go through another breakup. The trauma of betrayal can make it seem as if we are trapped or stuck and theres nowhere to go, but prayer can become our shelter when we feel no one is safe enough for us. As a Student of Pain, Ive found that our suffering is part of our calling. Could I count on some prayer partners to pray with me about this? I have to remind myself each day, several times a day, that it is how God sees me that matters and to declare myself beautiful, valuable, and worthy of love, respect, and care. Likewise, God will heal the broken relationship if we let him. Give them enough information about how God led you to this decision without crushing them or tearing them down. This breakup is giving me the sacred opportunity to feel Gods love for me and to practice intense self-love in the forms of self-compassion, self-care, and self-acceptance. Even if your relationship wasnt perfect, it can still be worth it in the long run. I know in my heart that I am whole without my ex, but it requires a lot of faith to fully embrace a new season without the one you thought was your other half. The Positive MOM may be a proud affiliate of trusted, tried providers mentioned on this site, and may be compensated for your purchase(s). Knowing and embracing Gods design for permanence in marriage and dating will help us feel appropriately, but it will also help us take healthy next steps in our pursuit of marriage. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Some days its harder to imagine that Ill be over this heartache and brokenness, but I remind myself of my favorite Bible story in which everything that Job lost was restored tenfold, including his joy. All things are possible for you through Him. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. We were inseparable, even though we were employed by different employers, we were always happy to see each other at the end of the day and especially at the beginning of the day. Its a lie to think that youre not moving toward marriage if youre not dating someone right now. This doesnt mean you have to be ruined by every breakup, but there should be a sense that this isnt right its not how its supposed to be. Doth not behave itself unseemly , seeketh not her own , is not easily provoked , thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity , but rejoiceth in the truth ; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Even though a relationship may end, it does not mean you are not worth your time. God feeds the unemployed birds of the air (Matthew 6:26). If you are trusting in Christ for the forgiveness of your sin and striving to follow him and his word, God has never abandoned you, and he will never abandon you. For Christian relationships, breakups are never the end. When we trust God to heal us, we know that He will give us the strength to move forward. While a relationship breakup is painful, God will use it to make us more like him. While it is tempting to feel guilty, this does not solve the problem and only leads to negative feelings and regrets. God understands that you had hopes of a better life with your partner, and He is willing to help you heal them. Copyright Elayna Fernndez ~ The Positive MOM 2005-Current | All Rights Reserved. God Broke Us Up and Brought Us Back Together. Praying for you, Taisha!<3 God will provide! When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned ; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. While it is natural to blame God for a breakup, you must understand that you cannot change the circumstances that caused the breakup.

We are all flawed and filled with the Spirit, so we will all always be learning and growing as people and spouses present or future.

Because theres opposition in everything, there is always at least something positive that comes out of something we perceive as negative. So after those few relationships inevitably dissolved, I made the decision thatnext timeI would secure Gods seal of approval beforehand, so I wouldnt have to go through any more heartache. According to Ephesians 6 He was so loving, faithful, honorable in all the time we have been together and honestly until this situation came up. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory; and in his name the Gentiles will have hope (Matthew 12:2021). Should I Blast Myself. And ye shall know the truth , and the truth shall make you free. One way God provides for us through breakups is by making it clear by whatever means and for whatever reason this relationship was not his plan for our marriage. Are you still in love with the person despite the breakup? As we let each other further and further into our lives and hearts, the sin is more likely to show itself and to cut the other person more deeply. Ultimately, we must understand that the breakup is not our fault; it is part of an uncontrollable series of events. I look to God to be my helper, my Lord and my Savior. Forgiveness can be a long process, but we can do a loving / forgiving thing each day to get us closer to our goal, because giving up the hope of a better past is the sure way to have a better present and build a better future. Hes the author of. If it can be a married man or woman, all the better. Everything is so off character. Charity suffereth long, and is kind ; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Breakups in the church are painful and uncomfortable, and many of us have or will walk this dark and lonely road. Therefore, you should rejoice that you did not have to endure mediocrity, and trust that there will be better days ahead. I feel it deeply even typing these words. Have not I commanded thee? Dating that dives in too quickly or dumps too carelessly does not reflect Gods intention. You are too dont forget it. I have tried to have conversations why we have had to separate and he will not talk to me at at all. I have been in a beautifully wonderful 4 1/4 year relationship, until a month and a half ago. One of the great advantages of crying and allowing your humanity to show is that you also welcome the emotions you desire, like joy! Wouldnt He? These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. As we embrace this truth, the lessons will unfold and bring meaning and purpose to what feels like an unnecessary and unfair burden. God saved the world and defeated death through his suffering, and your suffering in the midst of your walk with Jesus in this case, in a breakup unites you to that victory, the greatest victory ever won. I gotta add that this wont happen by magic and as we put in consistent effort, the situation wont necessarily change, but our perspective will. It is possible to love someone without allowing them to hurt you or condoning their betrayal. For those who hope in Jesus, all pain unexpected cancer, unfair criticism, an unwanted break up was given an expiration date and repurposed until then to unite us in love to our suffering Savior. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest . And if it doesnt hurt, it probably should. We worked so well and fit so perfectly together. I am doing all I can to stay positive during this trial and I want to share some Bible verses about breaking up from the King James Version (KJV) that have guided me through this new journey Im slowly stumbling through. God grows the flowers of the field and makes them beautiful, even though theyll be cut, stomped, eaten, or frozen in a matter of days or weeks (Matthew 6:2830). Often, a breakup leaves you without a close friend, mentor, or family member. Give yourself permission to cry, mourn, and to fully feel and express all the grief, sorrow, rage, and any and all emotions you may be feeling it is a powerful way to heal. In the verses that precede this one, God promises eternal life to those who believe in Him. Going through a breakup that has completely drained me emotionally. We are not alone. My motto: rejection is protection; rejection is redirection. His purposes are bigger than your blunders. Despite our best efforts, we may still be wasting precious time. As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. If you believe that, then make the most of this breakup, knowing God has chosen this particular path to grow and gratify you in ways that last. And I immediately knew I would never be going back to it. In fact, a relationship with the wrong person is a God-given opportunity to mold and train you. Maybe you didnt see it coming, and the other person suddenly wants out. I want to believe them, and maybe part of me does believe them, but it is when I read the Scriptures that I find encouragement I can cling to to calm the emotional storm inside of me. But its much more difficult to accept this about relationships. Charity never faileth : but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. And every time, it seemed, another door would be opened, or another feeling would be confirmed. dipendere You may share, quote, and link back with proper attribution. It is not true of Jesus. But it does not nullify Gods grace to and through you. Follow her on Twitter @jfreezay. Its okay to give yourself time to trust others, but trust in the Lord now today. When you ask for a wife, he wont give you a scorpion. It might be one of the most popular Christian break-up lines.

By trusting God, you can use this time to get back on track. God engineered romance to express itself in fidelity and loyalty in oneness (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:9; 1 Corinthians 7:213). And while this may seem like a lot of reflecting, I just wanted the next relationship to go really well. Some truths are so gut-wrenching that we almost wish we didnt find out, but even those hard truths are essential to healing because they provide safety, connection, and freedom. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

The pain cuts deeper and lingers longer than most pain young people have felt in their lives. Sign me up! I learn alot from above biblical discussion. Just because I was thinking this way didnt necessarily mean I feltreadyto be married. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. God uses breakups to build our faith and help us learn valuable lessons. Powerful St. Jude Prayer to Manifest Miracles, Top Reasons, Advantages, and Benefits Of Learning a Foreign Language, LIGHTYEAR Coloring Pages, Family Activities, and Dallas Ticket Giveaway. In all honesty, it doesnt feel very blessed to go from anger, to anguish, to anxiety, but you will gradually start to see the light even in your darkest hour. I need first to forgive my wife and also myself and it is liberating to know that I am now in Gods hands to help restore my happiness in whatever way he chooses. Trying to get over ex-fiance in light of eternity. He has never been like this before. I would love to hold it in my hand, turn the pages and to have side by side next to my Bible. But whoever has done the failing in your breakup, it wasnt God. A lot. You may have been faithful to a person, but the time you spent with them was ultimately a waste of your time. Please pray for me. If you believe in God, you may be able to move on from the broken relationship and strengthen your relationship with Him. I also wasnt naive to the reality that sometimes relationships just dont work. Before asking God for forgiveness, ask yourself why the relationship broke up. Because of Jesus, his promises never to leave or forsake you are true every moment and in every relationship status. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Our patience, kindness, and forgiveness in breakups will shine beautifully next to the selfish, vindictive responses modeled in reality TV and adopted thoughtlessly by the rest of the world. One of the worst and most popular mistakes is moving on to the next one too soon. Especially when you dont know how long youll have to wait, but trusting in God means also trusting in His timing and in His way of delivering on His promise. Even when it looks like hes done you harm, he hasnt. Its normal to feel weak and defeated but relying on who He is, rather than in who I am, helps me stay positive and have hope amidst adversity. What Does It Mean When Your Favorite Color Is Orange? Id say thats a pretty good insurance plan. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. When we leave everything vague and spiritual, our ex will not, and the majority of what their mind creates will be lies from the devil to destroy them. christianbook There is a way to get over an ex-fiance and trust God when a relationship ends. While the pain of a breakup may be unbearable and a painful process, the Lord can help you find a new person in your life. Prior to that I had been in a couple relationships that had ended in a lot of hurt. One of the hurtful byproducts of breakup or divorce is the disappointment that comes from someone whose support you want to either step out or take your exs side. For me, personally, the letdown has been how some people in my life seem to value my marriage more than they value my happiness, while others have acted in invalidating ways because fail to see or understand the wreckage in my soul. A broken relationship is never easy to deal with. Breakups almost always hurt. If youre wondering how to get over an ex-fiance in light of eternity, youve come to the right place. You are not alone. Even if your relationship has ended, God is still in control. This is so good. You wont have many relational crossroads more intense, personal, and specific as a breakup, so it truly is a unique time for some hopeful, healthy introspection, checked and balanced by some other believers.

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